black people...have you asked? if the media says conservatives - TopicsExpress


black people...have you asked? if the media says conservatives are do they know? did you ask the last white person that you met or did business with if they are conservative, republican or tea party? did you ask them when they had their last racist thought or committed their last racist act? you didnt? then how do you know for sure that the media isnt lying to you about conservatives? wait, wait...have you been discriminated against or slighted by a white person in the last five years? have you asked anyone why not if you havent? if you have been, did you ask them if they were liberal or conservative? be didnt did you? so how do you know it wasnt another liberal that was doing it? would you rather be taken advantage of or assaulted by a liberal rather than a conservative? would you ask which they were afterwards? final question...i promise. if its another black person doing it too you...chances are he or she is a liberal...would that make it any better? now ask yourself, what does the media have to gain by lying to must be something.
Posted on: Sat, 19 Jul 2014 04:07:53 +0000

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