check this out i found this article on this website, jus tell me - TopicsExpress


check this out i found this article on this website, jus tell me ur guys opinion, cuz i really dont know wat to say or think bout it honestly, its rather jaw dropping the way it seems misguidedchildren/ The founding fathers have determined that all humans have value, value given to them by God, not humanity or nature. Because of the value of humanity, humans have the natural right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Apparently the scum in suits that inhabit our Federal buildings have forgotten this, or worse, simply stopped believing it. The good news? PRISM, the classified program the National Security Administration has been using to spy on the American People, has been exposed. The spy agency supposedly started to “protect” the American People from foreign enemies is now collecting your emails, downloads, phone calls, texts, contacts lists and personal information, without a warrant, without your consent and without your knowledge. The bad news? The Feds won’t apologize or back down. We were warned of the Obama Administration’s propensity for deceit when we were all duped into believing that Ambassador Stevens was accidentally killed in a “spontaneous riot” caused by some random video on Youtube. We all now know that he was killed by a planned terrorist attack, and that Obama and his crony Hilary Clinton forced backup to stand down. To this day, no legal action has been taken against any of those responsible, or those that lied to the People. We still didn’t learn after Attorney General Eric Holder was exposed spying on AP journalists, and President Obama, in a mockery of the judicial system, appointed Eric Holder to investigate Eric Holder. No legal action has been taken against the AG for this or his treasonous efforts in Operation Fast and Furious. Now we learn the Federal Government not only has the right to listen in on your phone calls without a warrant, it tracks every move you make on the internet as well, or what the Feds inconspicuously call “metadata”. It would appear that our president and his administration have turned their backs on the American People, forgetting who’s really in charge. We gave them power, and we can take it away. Obama thinks that individual liberty is a luxury the American Citizen no longer deserves. “You can’t have 100% security, and then also have 100% privacy, and zero inconvenience. You know, we are going to have to make some choices as a society,” Obama said Friday when discussing the PRISM program. Unfortunately for Obama, and the jackals that are following his lead into the abyss of tyranny, liberty is not something that can be granted or taken away from a Citizen of the United States of America. Since our Idiot-In-Chief needs a lesson in history, I’d be glad to take a second to dumb down the concept of individual liberty to Monkey Level One for him. How do we define liberty? Is this “liberty” they speak of a universal freedom, freeing men from all responsibility for their actions? No; any action that directly interferes with another human’s own liberty is “illegal”. So we write laws and grant each other rights, through consensus, that we all agree to abide by. In order to ensure these standards are maintained, we elect governments to “officiate” human behavior and call foul when one of us infringes upon the liberty of another. The government should be considered a social contract with the people because of this; the people grant certain authority to government, and in turn the government ensures our self-prescribed standards are maintained. At the end of the day, the government works for the People, and is accountable to the People. Our Founding Fathers, the great men who not only won our freedom, but drafted our Constitution, believed that if the government oversteps their bounds, they are in the wrong; and it is the duty of the people to correct or abolish the government, for the people created the government. Our President needs to be reminded just who he works for, and why the government exists in the first place. The American People will always be free; after all, we’ve fought and died for it. Perhaps now the “tree of liberty” needs not the blood of Patriots, but the blood of its enemies, to grow.
Posted on: Sat, 15 Jun 2013 07:43:24 +0000

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