commenter - No one has been killed by radiation from a commercial - TopicsExpress


commenter - No one has been killed by radiation from a commercial reactor anywhere except in the old USSR. More than 10,000 people die every year in the US alone from coal plant emissions. Dozens die from natural gas asphyxiations and explosions. LNTM says different , and you know it , we just dont know specifically which person got the cancer the radiation causes , but we do know a certain amonut of people get cancers form a radiation release into a population , Santa Susanna , Fermi , Three mile , tritium releases , Etc , Cancer clusters around reactors in populations are a fact , currently in lawsuit moving forward in Simi valley case . And Just like the AEC denied for years over the atmospheric testing , they did finally settle with the Downwinders . if you only could the fatalities from radiation that is so severe that it occurs in the first few weeks or months, your right “ there is no immediate health risk to the public “ . However you have to only be counting external dosages , rather than the added alpha damage involved in committed doses over extended periods of time . You’re trying to say that those people in Japan will have no effects over a 30 year period after continual exposure to radioactive iodine , cesium, plutonium and all the rest in committed doses, repeatedly , without chelation , calcium or zinc transfusions , prussian blue , iodine pills and all the other treatments available to an exposed nuclear worker ? I think you know better than that . Radiation related deaths have occurred at reactors to the workers , in Idaho , Michigan , and California.
Posted on: Sat, 29 Jun 2013 22:57:16 +0000

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