dear BEESONS.... i remember when your son was getting out of jail. - TopicsExpress


dear BEESONS.... i remember when your son was getting out of jail. my father drove 6 hrs to pick him up. i remember when you wer in jail. my dad took care of your family. i remember when you showed up with your daughter . my dad helped you. i remember how uncle richard and earnie. and family needed help. my grandma helped you. i remember putting up the green fence that covers the brick wall in the house your in. i remember cleaning out your cooler twice a year. once for it to work and one so it wouldnt rot in the winter. i remember building a shed with uncle richard and my father.i remember alot of things that YOU DONT. i remember when you had no home. my uncle helped you. i remember when ther was a leak in the water line. me and my father helped you. i remember. trust and believe i do. i also remember my grandmother working at a clothing shop and helping the citys of antelope valley. i remember my grandfather brewing beer and helping the city of mojave ca. i rmember my father running a construction company and doing state jobs in antelope valley, rosemond, mojave, and other places. i rmember going to my grandmothers old ranch and spreading her ashes. i remember my uncle buffalo doing many state jobs also. WHAT I DO NOT REMEMBER IS ANY OF THESE PEOPLE NOT WILLING TO HELP OUR TOWNS AND HOMELANDS LET ALONE OUR OWN FAMILY!!! I DONT REMEMBER OUR FAMILY NOT SAYING WE CANT COME THANKSGIVING WITH YOU OR CHRISTMAS OR BIRTHDAYS OR SEE OUR 102 YR OLD GRANDMOTHER. I DONT REMEMBER THESE RUDE SELFISH ASS BULLSHIT EXCUSES YOU USE TO BE SELFISH. IT IS NOT IN THE TRUE BEESON BLOOD LINE. IT IS IN YOUR OWN SELFISH BLOODLINE. YOU COULDNT HOLD UP THE BEESON FAMILY CREST AND EVEN KNOW WHAT IT TRULY MEANT. BUT ME. TAYLOR ANTHONY BEESON. I WILL HOLD IT UP STRONG AND PROUD. AND MY VISION IS TO HAVE A LANDSCAPE COMPANY WITH A FARM TO LIVE ON AND A CONSTRUCTION COMPANY TO PAVE NEW ROADS AND ADOPT KIDS THAT DONT HAVE FAMILYS AND HAVE A CARING FAMILY THAT DOES NOT TURN DOWN FAMILY OR CITIZENS OF OUR TOWNS. THAT IS THE TRUE BEESON BLOODLINE. AND I WILL CARY IT TILL THE DAY I DIE.
Posted on: Tue, 12 Aug 2014 00:46:45 +0000

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