early lunch sambil merewang di internet.ni hasil nyer.saje nk - TopicsExpress


early lunch sambil merewang di internet.ni hasil nyer.saje nk share.heheh.ni sume yg dah publish ok. -On the trail of a cereal killer: Exploring the biology of Magnaporthe grisea (sama tapi x serupa gitew) -The tooth, the whole tooth and nothing but the tooth: how belief in the Tooth Fairy can engender false memories (ni bkn tajuk buku cite tau) -Cleavage in womens organizations: a reflection of the social structure of a city (almost...) -Is coffee a functional food? (Yes, if you are an academic) -A novel method for the removal of ear cerumen (ini pon boleh buat research ek?) -Dealing with Dirt: Servicing and Repairing Cars (kesahnya diorang duk buat research perlu ke mekanik kotor2 masa repair kete?dush.i hope diorang buat research ni free je xde sape bg funding)
Posted on: Thu, 21 Aug 2014 04:29:47 +0000

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