erived from the tree bearing the same name, palm oil is an herbal - TopicsExpress


erived from the tree bearing the same name, palm oil is an herbal supplement liquid that can be beneficial to your health and for the treatment of some medical ailments. Widely available in most local supermarkets, drug stores and online pharmacies, palm oil is considered safe enough for daily use due to the lack of documented harmful side effects. Before starting any treatment program with palm oil, however, be sure to speak to your medical doctor on how this supplement can benefit your specific medical condition. Cardiac Health Palm oil supplements can serve as powerful antioxidants that are able to help rid your body of harmful free radicals in the bloodstream. These free radicals, essentially harmful chemicals, can lead to an increased risk of developing heart disease and other cardiac conditions. Cardiac conditions like hardening of the arteries, or atherosclerosis, and other heart problems are preventable and treatable with herbal supplements like palm oil. Furthermore, this herbal supplement can lessen the sticky nature of blood platelets, thus lowering the risk of stroke or internal blood clots that can damage vital organs in the body. Fatty Acid Content Other benefits associated with palm oil include the active ingredients and nutritional value of the supplement. The University of Michigan Health System states that tropical oils like palm oil contain both saturated and trans-fatty acids, which are vital to proper bodily function and nutritional diets. For individuals who are unable to properly digest dairy products, for example, the nutritional qualities of palm oil will prove to be beneficial as an alternative nutrient source. Furthermore, vegetarians who may lack the necessary meat source for saturated fats can use palm oil supplements as an alternative option. Cholesterol-Free One of the major benefits associated with palm oil is the fact that it is completely free of cholesterol. Palm oil supplements are considered part of the vegetable family and therefore do not contain cholesterol–this can prove to be beneficial to patients currently struggling with high blood cholesterol. As a result, our bodies are able to use this supplement more efficiently for the purpose of producing energy for everyday exercise and activity.
Posted on: Tue, 09 Jul 2013 10:21:15 +0000

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