facebook/thelordwarriors S,m Warning St Michaels is crying in - TopicsExpress


facebook/thelordwarriors S,m Warning St Michaels is crying in Greece Warning do not fall from these deceptions from Satan do not be fooled! Exodus 20 You shall have no other gods before Me. You shall not make for yourself an idol, or any likeness of what is in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the water under the earth. You shall not worship them or serve them; for I, the LORD your God These crying and bleeding icons are easily a satanic counterfeit. God works more directly and not through these round-about clues. Graven images, deception of Satan and tool used to fool the sheep of the Catholic and Greek cults. This does warn us though that time is running out and people do need to fast and pray for mercy upon all the sinners. May Jesus Bless them all so they find the real living god Jesus. For an insight to here is whats been happening here to Catholics because I used to be one myself. A Angel came to Mary in the bible and said your going to have the son of god #Jesus he will be the savior of the world and none can come to the father but by through him. which is the truth. It was written and this is the proof if your a catholic study the KJB Bible and you will find the truth. Even the Vatican is mentioned in the bible. If you are a catholic Im not trying to offend you only to warn you of the deception that is out there. Here is the vatican in the bible mentioned as the great harlot. In Revelations 17, 9; Here is a clue for one who has wisdom. The Seven heads represent seven hills upon which the woman sits. and in the footnotes it says. 17,9; Here is a clue:literally, Here a mind that has wisdom. Seven Hills: of Rome. They say the woman is a city who rides the beast, the vatican has been known as the city of seven hills for a very long time. What does this mean? Does the vatican secretly rule the world in mafia-style? why does my bible in the footnotes say 17, 1-6 ; Babylon the symbolic name(5) of Rome, is Graphically described as The Great Harlot. I once read a very nice post about how All Roads Lead to Rome. the vatican has called for a one world government. All roads lead to rome. It says in revelations 17, 6; *I saw that the woman was drunk on the blood of the holy ones and on the blood of the witnesses to jesus. as well as inquisitions and who knows how many atrocities has been recorded in history. for example witch hunts and persecuting other types of christians. and in Revelations 17,18 it says; The Woman whom you saw represents the great city that has sovereignty over the earth. Think about it, do you ever hear the vatican feeding the poor? You call the priest father when your supposed to be calling God your father. Its ok to doubt, The blessings that Jesus has poured upon my life is unreal. Love you all Blessings to you in Jesus name.
Posted on: Sat, 02 Nov 2013 18:13:30 +0000

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