from watsapp Our entire Facebook newsfeed is filled with - TopicsExpress


from watsapp Our entire Facebook newsfeed is filled with pictures and videos of burned bodies, demolished houses, crying women and children. Even when we close our phone/laptop, we cannot get those images out of our mind.Our helplessness reminds the Prophets (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) advice to the family of Yasir who were being tortured by Abu Jahl, but the Muslims could not do anything about it.Sumayyah (Radiallahu Anha) and Yasir (Radiallahu Anhu) were brutally tortured in the hot desert sun by Abu Jahl for days. One day, Abu Jahl brutally shoved a spear into Sumayyah (Radiallahu Anha) in front of her husband (Yasir) and son (Ammar) (Radiallhu Anhuma), making her the first martyr. Soon after, Yasir (Radiallahu Anhu) passed away from the torture while the other leaders of Qureish were laughing and poking fun of the helplessness of Muslims.Muslims were in such a weak position at that time that they could not do anything to physically comfort the family of Yasir (Radiallahu Anhu). But just a sentence by the Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) kept them firm upon the Deen, and brought peace in their heart:“Sabran ya aali yasir; mau‘idukum al-Jannah”-Patience, O family of Yasir; Paradise is your promised abode!We call upon the people of Palestine, while being absolutely helpless in their situation:Sabran yaa Ahle Filisteen. Mauidukum Al-Jannah Inshallah. (Patience, O people of Palestine. Your abode is Jannah Inshallah).Dear brothers and sisters, its not an appeal. But a requirement upon us to dedicate extra Dua while standing, sitting, in Sajdah, and before breaking your fast for those under severe oppression, being bombed, beaten and their houses being demolished.The Day of Judgement is no doubt a horrifying day. But during these atrocities, we look forward to it for Justice to be served from Allah. #Yaa Allah, Yaa Rahman, Yaa Rahim. Have mercy on the people of Palestine. Yaa Rabb, protect them. Yaa Hafeez, preserve them. Yaa Adl, give them justice. Yaa Dhul Jalali wal Ikram, destroy the plans of the oppressors. In this blessed month O Allah, while our Muslim brothers and sisters are fasting for Your sake, make life easy for them. Make this hard time a means of expiation of their sins Yaa Ghafoor. Ya Salaam, bring back peace to Al-Quds. Grant them victory Yaa Fattah. Grant them victory. Aameen.
Posted on: Mon, 14 Jul 2014 15:45:27 +0000

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