greetings, our next meeting is sept. 16th 7 PM at Elm Springs. - TopicsExpress


greetings, our next meeting is sept. 16th 7 PM at Elm Springs. Have a surprise for this month. We werent going to have another speaker until November but I couldnt pass up the opportunity to schedule a man who might not be in the area for a while. Mr. David Fraley will be joining us. For those who dont know him he is the former executive director of the Lotz house and also the Carter House. He worked with Thomas Cartwright and Gene Andrews years ago. He will be speaking on battle flags at Franklin. this promises to be a special treat as Ive had the chance to hear him speak on this topic and I think everyone will enjoy it. Commander Anderson plans on grilling hotdogs if the weather cooperates, otherwise we will find another way to cook them. We will be there no later than 6 so come on out and visit prior to the program. Hope to see everyone there. Randy
Posted on: Tue, 09 Sep 2014 12:39:03 +0000

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