hes my teacher! then, now and always.. im not commenting on the - TopicsExpress


hes my teacher! then, now and always.. im not commenting on the action of the parents who wrote this letter but as his previous student, i know him.. hes the most dedicated teacher ive ever seen in my life.. and i think, not only MRSM PC students know him.. he went to other schools to give talks about add maths and calculator and i can say,people know him..maybe the name doesnt ring a bell but if u meet him in person, u will be glad that u meet him again.. 1)he has a vast knowledge in what hes teaching yet he is to be blamed when the student cannot understand? try meet him at his office.. he is willing to write add maths equation on your paper upside down so that the paper is facing to you,,not to him..and hes good at it..writing upside down?equations?hell yeah..he even can write jawi upside down.. ever meet a teacher like him? no.. hes the only one.. 2)he use water gun to shoot at students and i love it.. because if u can answer his question, he will not shoot at u..im not saying that i rarely shot by him, i am the one who always need to wipe my spectacles instead..yeah, coz its wet..and what i love even more is when i know that the water he used in the gun has been recited doa and yaasin.. 3)he used to write quadratic formula on my forehead with red permanent marker and bcoz of that, i remember the formula.. he even draw shape of quadratic graphs on both my cheeks..graf masam dan graf senyum..and i even went to eat at dining hall with those red marks on my face.. am i ashamed? no.. coz from that, people know im his student.. ashamed of the stain? no.. its a shame when u cant even memorize or understand that kind of simple thing.. 4)he is the only teacher who ask us to memorize the meaning of doa penerang hati.. he said buat apa baca doa kalau awak tak tahu apa yang awak baca?.. he asked us to write the doa and put/glue it on our desks..everytime before he starts teaching, he will pick out a student to recite the doa both in arab and the meaning..regardless if u are a boy or a girl.. 5)i once asked him cikgu, kenapa saya susah nak terima add math ni?..yeah im not ashamed to admit that im not good in add math..and he replied banyak buat maksiat..kurangkan maksiat.. can u define maksiat? define elok2.. jgn cetek sgt definition tu ye.. 6)hes the only teacher who provide us both ilmu dunia and ilmu akhirat back then..besides, he emphasise more on ilmu akhirat....we are taught to be better muslims.. how can he be regarded as incompetent bcoz of his old age? his old age made him wiser! compared to other young teachers who always mad at us when we make mistake, i can barely remember when did he lose his temper..and.. he always smile.. even when i ask him cikgu, anak cikgu hensem x? 7) theres a lot more good things to say about him but i think, this is enough for now.. aq pon culture shock jgak dulu masa baru2 masuk MRSM..tp nk buat macam mana..adapt je la...usaha la..ikot la cara baru..jgn la bwk cara kita then nk complain org laen yg salah melainkan orang tu benar2 salah..apa? nk cakap yg kita ni sentiasa betul ke?
Posted on: Sun, 07 Dec 2014 11:23:13 +0000

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