https://youtube/watch?v=B-Lk4N0rFoc Shabnam Parsya I am from Iran - TopicsExpress


https://youtube/watch?v=B-Lk4N0rFoc Shabnam Parsya I am from Iran and familiar with these Miniature Paintings, and as fair human being you cant be Sound Box for CNN, FOX and MSNBC Zionist Jewish Bankster Mafia Controlled Mainstream Corporation News Industry...!!! If you point out Muslim Extremism and believe it be the cause behind Charlie Hebdo and NOT Mossad Inside-Job, then you must point out point SATANYAHU---ISRAHELLI Likud Party...and their Poppet-Masters Zionist-Jewish Bankster Mafia Rothschild-Rockefeller- Morgans...who want to Mass-Murder or Forcefully Drive-Out all Muslim Population from Palestine, Syria, Iraq, Lebanon, Iran through either Direct-War...or Proxy-Terror War and take over their Oil-Fields...!!! France despite being Zionist Bankster Mafia Controlled Western Country through their Rothschild-Rockefeller- Morgan Jewish-Zionist Banking system..., and has made some effort in trying to appear Fair and logical a country and NOT Antagonize the huge Palestinian Muslim Immigrant Community in France and Vote for Palestine being recognized as an Official state!!! This of Course PISSED OFF...SATANYAHU---ISRAHELLI Likud Party...and their Poppet-Masters Zionist-Jewish Bankster Mafia Rothschild-Rockefeller- Morgans...who want to Mass-Murder all Muslim Population from Palestine, Syria, Iraq, Lebanon, Iran and take over their Oil-Fields...!!! A Week before the Charlie Hebdo Attacks..., Netenyahu warn France, the French People will be very sorry if they Vote for palestine as Official State!!! A week later Mossad carries out this HIT on French journalist..., while their filthy Jewish Media points as those behind the HIT as being Two Brother Patsies from Muslim Immigrant origins and Black Guy and Muslim French Woman...!!! Dont Believe What Mainstream Jewish Bankster Mafia News tells..., if you DONT want to be used up as their Indoctrinated MINION...and eventually DIE as their Slave!!! Like · Reply · January 10 at 1:04pm O Zeus Tele https://youtube/watch?v=kJk_AiK-4No Enjoy Shabnam O Zeus Tele Lets start with the Mossad inside job...Please state your references that these were not just mindless Islamic Extremist Lunatics who committed this spurred on by their extremist beliefs..So before jumping to idiotic conspiracy theories please tell us why it cant be that this was just another murderous act by Islamic militants. Like · Reply · January 10 at 1:12pm O Zeus Tele Shabnam Parsya..Im amused at how you fancy yourself an Investigative Journalist and you list Rutgers as your Alma Mater...What a disgrace for the school. Your Post is that of an uneducated conspira theorist nut jub. Not an Investigative journalist Like · Reply · January 10 at 1:21pm · Edited Shabnam Parsya O Zeus Tele: you dont have to be rude and saying I actualy disgraced my school for voicing simple evidences that many Alternative News Programs both online and on paper have pointed out other than Fox, CNN and MSNBC! You seem to dismiss me as Conspiracy Theorist, just because you dont like reading what I have to say, when all conclusion from Netenyahus own quote in a News Paper two weeks ago point out this to be an Mossad Inside Job! Palestinian State recognition will be a ‘grave mistake’, Netanyahu warns France! Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu has warned it would be a “grave mistake” for the French parliament to follow the suit of several other European nations in recognizing Palestine as a State!.. rt/news/208187-israel-france-grave-mistake/ ****************************************************************** Palestinian state recognition will be a ‘grave mistake’, Netanyahu warns France Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu has warned it would be... RT.COM Like · Reply · Remove Preview · January 10 at 4:32pm · Edited Shabnam Parsya This is Pretty simple Analysis that I say! If one likes to you choose to participate as Sound Box for CNN, FOX and MSNBC.. and REPEAT CORPORATE News Lies....Muslim Extremism...being behind Charlie Hebdo Attack and NOT Mossad Inside-Job..., the you must point Jewish-Zionist Extremism that just last summer enabled Israels IDF to Mass-Murder more 2000 Gazans on False Premise of Self Defense! Furthermore, if one like to Dismiss Charlie Hebdo Attack as another INCIDENT of MUSLIM EXTREMIST HATE-CRIME then, at least post 1000 of HATE-CRIMES committed by Jewish Extremist Settlers in Israel equipped with Guns who alongside IDF Demolish Palestinian Homes, Murder, Torture, Rape, Burn, and even Run-Over Palestinians Children as young as 4 living in Occupied West Bank Territory of Israel...under Apartheid!!! If you like to EXPOSE all these INCIDENTS of MUSLIM EXTREMIST HATE-CRIME then, at least post 1000 of HATE-CRIMES committed by Jewish Extremist Settlers in Israel equipped with Guns who alongside IDF that KIDNAP-Arrest Palestinian Kids as young as 5, or Teenage Boys and Girls take them to Israeli Prisons...Torture them, Beat Them, Threaten their Family as Psychological Torture Methods, Electrocute Them, and even Molest and Rape them..., all based on False Accusations that they Threw Stones at some Israeli Soldier...!!! Yet despite these crimes committed by Israel against Palestinians on a daily biases, it has NOT compelled any Palestinian living in France or UK to do TERROR against France or UK that usually supply Arms to ISRAEL to Murder, Forcefully Drive Out, or Oppress all these Innocent Palestinians...!!! One sides arguments, when EXPOSING the CRIMES of any Minority Group makes the point of discussion as Hypocritical Analysis!!! Furthermore, if you like to Dismiss Charlie Hebdo Attack as another INCIDENT of MUSLIM EXTREMIST HATE-CRIME then, perhaps you should point out how NETENYAHU two weeks before this incident THREATENED France and state in a public newspaper If France decides to Vote For Palestinian State, it will be Grave Mistake!!! Of course the official the Criminal Zionist Rothschild-Rockefeller- Morgan Jewish-Zionist Global Masonic Bankters Corporate Mainstream News Outlet of CNN, FOX and MSNBC... and REPEAT Lies that these Terror Suspects Killed who were of Muslim descent, sent Threats against Charlie Hebdo Satirical-Cartoon News Magazine Not to publish the Prophet Mohammad in such demeaning manner!!! Yet, when one looks at the back-ground of these two Terror Suspects Killed who were of Muslim descent, one realizes this was False Flag Mossad Job Set-Up and those Muslim Culprits behind the shooting were Muslim Terrorist-Patsies used as Bad Muslim narrative to Demonize the Muslim World...!!! Another indication of this being a False-Flag Set-Up, carried out by Netenyahus Mossad is when one looks at how these four Muslim Terror Suspects Killed who were of Muslim descent, dropped their ID Card right after they committed this Shooting Assault against this French Journalists and French Police, helping Investigators on the scene to identify them!!! The fact the pattern of Patsies always dropping their ID right by the scene of the crime, so Conveniently Aiding the CIA-Mossad, FBI or whatever Police Investigator Firm carry out this Zionist Anti-Muslim Narrative that REPEATS Muslim people as Usual Suspect of Radical Islam...and Terrorism, makes one wonder this Paris Attack is NOT again an Inside Job!!! ******************************************************************* https://youtube/watch?v=QUuYSft1fOw... ****************************************************************** France False Flag Shooting -- Attackers SPLICED IN + COPS cut out + Man in bullet proof vest watches YOUTUBE.COM Like · Reply · Remove Preview · January 10 at 4:32pm O Zeus Tele Shabnam there are 100s of circumstantial events and pieces of evidence that you can stretch and weave into a conspiracy theory..Literally 100s of events have occurred.. However, how can you dismiss the simple facts which point to some Islamic terrorists who decided to become martyrs for their religious cause. I s the truth too simple for you? Is there something innate in your psyche that needs it to be far more complex than it really is? Why cant it be just some Islamic lunatics who went on a murderous rampage? Its not that unusual you know? Its happening in the Middle East Every minute of every day. Why couldnt it happen in Paris knowing the violent history of the muslims there? Like · 1 · January 11 at 2:38am O Zeus Tele Shabnam...look at the history of Paris and tell me why this event of islamic murder s different than the ones in the past? https://facebook/photo.php?fbid=431978403616176&set=a.343875222426495.1073741825.100004120592290&type=1&theater FALSE FLAG OR BUSINESS AS USUAL IN FRANCE I don’t think this has anything to do with the Palestinian vote....but that’s just me... Personally I think the False Flag scenario is being propagated by the Muslim population fearing a French and European backlash because Paris is rife with Muslim extremists....... so they create the false flag scenario to lay the blame elsewhere; but if we look at history this is what we find. 1. Destroying Paris: https://youtube/watch?v=NVarDMOXJ-s 2. History of Charlie Hedbo expression: https://youtube/watch?v=S6SQr7gKTnk 3. Paris Lost: https://youtube/watch?v=e1Btc9qMALg 4. Intimidating Barbès Boulevard: https://youtube/watch?v=etljQLaGyiM “Constantly seek the truth” πάντοτε ζητεῖν τὴν ἀλήθειαν ~ Diogenes Laertius #CharlieHebdo #jesuischarlie #iamcharlie Zoi Alexander FALSE FLAG OR BUSINESS AS USUAL IN FRANCE I don’t think this has anything to do with the Palestinian vote....but that’s just me... Personally I think the False Flag scenario is being propagated by the Muslim population fearing a French and European backlash because Paris is rife with Muslim extremists....... so they create the false flag scenario to lay the blame elsewhere; but if we look at history this is what we find. 1. Destroying Paris: https://youtube/watch?v=NVarDMOXJ-s 2. History of Charlie Hedbo expression: https://youtube/watch?v=S6SQr7gKTnk 3. Paris Lost: https://youtube/watch?v=e1Btc9qMALg 4. Intimidating Barbès Boulevard: https://youtube/watch?v=etljQLaGyiM “Constantly seek the truth” πάντοτε ζητεῖν τὴν ἀλήθειαν ~ Diogenes Laertius #CharlieHebdo #jesuischarlie #iamcharlie Like · 1 · January 11 at 2:42am Shabnam Parsya It seems your trying to convince me, others and yourself the same Bad Muslim narrative to Demonize the Muslim World..., is all true...according to official Corporate Mainstream News Outlet LIE...Spewed by CNN, FOX and MSNBC!!! Your telling me, why am I making it more complicated than it is, why dont I just resign myself to LIES and ACCEPT, same Bad Muslim narrative these TERRIBLE EXTREMIST MUSLIMS did really carry out this TERROR-ATTACK, that conveniently fulfills Israhells Agenda Demonize the Muslim World...!!! Have the huge Palestinian Muslim Demographic ever carried out this sort of TERROR-ATTACK to France and UK, who usually one of two European Countries that accepts this Surge of Refugees...Escaping the Horribles of ISRAHELLs Persecution of their People...?!? Well, to answer No...not ever!!! You dont bother to INVESTIGATE any deeper into this EVENT, because the Bad Muslim...TERRIBLE EXTREMIST MUSLIMS Narrative FITS your own World-Perspective and what you believe it should be projected about the Muslim World!!! Your telling me NOT to INVESTIGATE further than official Story-Line and why cant it be simpler than what I discovered and it really be what the Bad Muslim...TERRIBLE EXTREMIST MUSLIMS... Zionist-Narrative that is being projected out!!! the when one looks at the back-ground of these two Terror Suspects Killed who were of Muslim descent, one realizes this was False Flag Mossad Job Set-Up and those Muslim Culprits behind the shooting were Muslim Terrorist-Patsies used as Bad Muslim narrative to Demonize the Muslim World...!!! And even if you like to Dismiss Charlie Hebdo Attack as another INCIDENT of MUSLIM EXTREMIST HATE-CRIME then, at least post 1000 of HATE-CRIMES committed by Jewish Extremist Settlers in Israel equipped with Guns who alongside IDF Demolish Palestinian Homes, Murder, Torture, Rape, Burn, and even Run-Over Palestinians Children as young as 4 living in Occupied West Bank Territory of Israel...under Apartheid!!! If you like to EXPOSE all these INCIDENTS of MUSLIM EXTREMIST HATE-CRIME then, at least post 1000 of HATE-CRIMES committed by Jewish Extremist Settlers in Israel equipped with Guns who alongside IDF that KIDNAP-Arrest Palestinian Kids as young as 5, or Teenage Boys and Girls take them to Israeli Prisons...Torture them, Beat Them, Threaten their Family as Psychological Torture Methods, Electrocute Them, and even Molest and Rape them..., all based on False Accusations that they Threw Stones at some Israeli Soldier...!!! Yet despite these crimes committed by Israel against Palestinians on a daily biases, it has NOT compelled any Palestinian living in France or UK to do TERROR against France or UK that usually supply Arms to ISRAEL to Murder, Forcefully Drive Out, or Oppress all these Innocent Palestinians...!!! One sides arguments, when EXPOSING the CRIMES of any Minority Group makes the point of discussion as Hypocritical Analysis!!! Furthermore, if you like to Dismiss Charlie Hebdo Attack as another INCIDENT of MUSLIM EXTREMIST HATE-CRIME then, perhaps you should point out how NETENYAHU two weeks before this incident THREATENED France and state in a public newspaper If France decides to Vote For Palestinian State, it will be Grave Mistake!!! Of course the official the Criminal Zionist Rothschild-Rockefeller- Morgan Jewish-Zionist Global Masonic Bankters Corporate Mainstream News Outlet of CNN, FOX and MSNBC... and REPEAT Lies that these Terror Suspects Killed who were of Muslim descent, sent Threats against Charlie Hebdo Satirical-Cartoon News Magazine Not to publish the Prophet Mohammad in such demeaning manner!!! Yet, when one looks at the back-ground of these two Terror Suspects Killed who were of Muslim descent, one realizes this was False Flag Mossad Job Set-Up and those Muslim Culprits behind the shooting were Muslim Terrorist-Patsies used as Bad Muslim narrative to Demonize the Muslim World...!!! Another indication of this being a False-Flag Set-Up, carried out by Netenyahus Mossad is when one looks at how these four Muslim Terror Suspects Killed who were of Muslim descent, dropped their ID Card right after they committed this Shooting Assault against this French Journalists and French Police, helping Investigators on the scene to identify them!!! The fact the pattern of Patsies always dropping their ID right by the scene of the crime, so Conveniently Aiding the CIA-Mossad, FBI or whatever Police Investigator Firm carry out this Zionist Anti-Muslim Narrative that REPEATS Muslim people as Usual Suspect of Radical Islam...and Terrorism, makes one wonder this Paris Attack is NOT again an Inside Job!!! rt/news/208187-israel-france-grave-mistake/ ******************************************************************* Palestinian state recognition will be a ‘grave mistake’, Netanyahu warns... Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu has warned it... RT.COM Like · Remove Preview · January 11 at 3:06am · Edited O Zeus Tele Shabnam...we need to establish some common ground here so we can have dialogue...1st) Do you believe that Islam is an Oppressive religion and the nations which use it as a legal system are extremely oppressive to ANYTHING that challenges its authority. 2.) Are you actually interested in hearing anything from Apostates who have been tortured or oppressed or had family members killed by islamic regimes? Like · 1 · January 11 at 3:20am O Zeus Tele because if we dont agree on those two things..I have to come to a conclusion that youre either A) living in a fantasy world or B) youre an Islamic Operative feedng people bullshit in order to do damage control. https://youtube/watch?v=YQsFY7n1XQ4 Arab Woman Speaks Out Against Islam - Wafa Sultan Arab woman speaks out against Islam &... YOUTUBE.COM Like · 1 · January 11 at 3:22am O Zeus Tele And please dont tell me that all the apostates and women who speak against Islam are paid Israeli patsies.. Like · 1 · January 11 at 3:23am Shabnam Parsya No I do NOT agree with the (Zionist Propaganda Narrative) Spewed by Official Corporate Mainstream News Outlet LIE... CNN, FOX and MSNBC that states Islam is an Oppressive religion and the nations which use it as a legal system are extremely oppressive to ANYTHING that challenges its authority! 2.) No I do NOT agree with the (Zionist Propaganda Narrative) and NOT actually interested in hearing anything from Apostates who have been tortured or oppressed or had family members killed by Islamic regimes!!! Most important of all: ISIS is created by Mossad-CIA...NOT the BAD Muslim World!!! ********************************************************************** Shabnam Parsyas photo. Like · January 11 at 3:28am O Zeus Tele I HAVE NO DOUBT That all the powers use ISIS for their goals...As a matter of fact..Israel already made a deal with the Free Syrian Army to give them the Golan Heights in exchange for them not bombing the FSA..However Shabnam .. You say that the two points I made about the backward opressive and inhuman nature of Islam toward people who challenge it is Zionist Propaganda ? Shabnam My people lived under barbaric Islam for many years...YOU ARE NO AUTHORITY to tell me that they are nto a Barbaric backwards religion.. You are a propagandist Shabnam.....If you give no voice to Millions of women and victims of Islamic are a propagandist..I would be willing to wager that youre not even a woman.. Like · 1 · January 11 at 3:34am O Zeus Tele Sad very Sad Shabnam! I can see right through people like yourself. What a sad display of damage control. Like · 1 · January 11 at 3:36am Shabnam Parsya O Zeus Tele...You seem to be Bitter Loser at debate, as soon as I pointed out all the EVIDENCE regarding how this Extremist Muslim Terrorist Attack has all the fingerprints of a Mossad Inside job..., you insult my Education, School and Credential!!! Now you like a Bitter Loser HASBRO Propagandist Agent you moved on from you last INSULT and now you calling me a Propagandist agent?!? After being through with your Loser Insults against me, and now questioning my Gender and calling me a Man!?! Its you who are a Sad Loser NOT me! I simply pointed out how based on EVIDENCE circulating in the Printed News and those on the INTERNET this looks like a Mossad or CIA Inside Job!!! Furthermore, recently the official Investigator in this case suddenly commits SUICIDE, for No reason!?! For you info, this does NOT look like CIRCUMSTANTIAL EVIDENCE?! But the fact you point out all these EVIDENCE that have arose around this Terror ATTACK including Netenyahus Public Threat to France for Recognizing Palestine will have Grave Consequences for them is ALL CIRCUMSTANTIAL..., proves you are the Propagandist Agent...NOT Me!!! And since you have proven to have NASTY Streak as bitter Hasbro Type...Propaganda Agent I will put WARING about you on my page and Block you!!! Moreover, what proves you to be the Loser Propagandist Agent with no Indication of Gender...yourself is your picture of Greek Statue that HIDES your TRUE IDENTITY, as a Cowardly Agent!!! Finally, Good Riddance for bad Rubbish..., people will be WARNED about you for sure!!! ********************************************************************* The Charlie Hebdo Attacks Exposed - This unlike any video you have seen about the Charlie Hebdo Attacks!!! https://youtube/watch?v=B-Lk4N0rFoc ********************************************************************* Shabnam Parsya O Zeus Tele...You seem to be Bitter Loser at debate, as soon as I pointed out all the EVIDENCE regarding how this Extremist Muslim Terrorist Attack has all the fingerprints of a Mossad Inside job..., you insult my Education, School and Credential!!! Now you like a Bitter Loser HASBRO Propagandist Agent you moved on from you last INSULT and now you calling me a Propagandist agent?!? After being through with your Loser Insults against me, and now questioning my Gender and calling me a Man!?! Its you who are a Sad Loser NOT me! I simply pointed out how based on EVIDENCE circulating in the Printed News and those on the INTERNET this looks like a Mossad or CIA Inside Job!!! Furthermore, recently the official Investigator in this case suddenly commits SUICIDE, for No reason!?! For you info, this does NOT look like CIRCUMSTANTIAL EVIDENCE?! But the fact you point out all these EVIDENCE that have arose around this Terror ATTACK including Netenyahus Public Threat to France for Recognizing Palestine will have Grave Consequences for them is ALL CIRCUMSTANTIAL..., proves you are the Propagandist Agent...NOT Me!!! And since you have proven to have NASTY Streak as bitter Hasbro Type...Propaganda Agent I will put WARING about you on my page and Block you!!! Moreover, what proves you to be the Loser Propagandist Agent with no Indication of Gender...yourself is your picture of Greek Statue that HIDES your TRUE IDENTITY, as a Cowardly Agent!!! Finally, Good Riddance for bad Rubbish..., people will be WARNED about you for sure!!! ********************************************************************* Police Chief Investigating Charlie Hedbo Attack Reportedly Commits Suicide Kit Daniels | Police commissioner was found dead in his office after allegedly killing himself with his service weapon while writing a report on the terror attack, and the Charlie Hebdo suspects were linked to a former FBI asset involved in 9/11. infowars/police-chief-investigating.../ *********************************************************************
Posted on: Tue, 13 Jan 2015 22:59:35 +0000

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