https://youtube/watch?v=yg8uQyUWRvQ RPR, still not sure what to - TopicsExpress


https://youtube/watch?v=yg8uQyUWRvQ RPR, still not sure what to think of this guy. Ive some things on his channel that are way over the top but theres some useful info here. Duped on a large scale unlike anything anyone has ever seen? How is this any different from any other entry to war by Americans? As for the Pope: If he truly wants to live up to St. Francis he will give-up the wealth of his father (the church) and devote his life (and Roman Catholicism) to uplifting all life through responsible farming and devotion to brother(and sister)hood (ie. every living thing be it plant, animal, insect or human have a right to a home). True God Nature dictates that Humanity spread life throughout the stars. Think about it! the only thing we really know of the creators purpose for us is being. He (they, h whatever you want to label the creator is fine with me [and them - shes not thrilled with killing in the name of said label, however.]) God created us so that we could be. Created us for the sake of existing. Gave us life because he wanted life. Im not sure if you all have noticed but life on Earth is now threatened by our life-giving creators creation. Us. The Earth and our bodies are increasingly being filled with chemicals and radiation and are become acidic. Your doctor wont tell you that your body needs to be ALKALINE to be healthy, hed be out of a job. Think people, look it up! Instead when you go to visit them (doctors) they insist you rub agent orange into your skin. Agent Orange, killing bacteria (99% of bacteria - Im sure youve all seen it but what they dont tell you... - the other 1% it mutates! Thats right mutant bacteria immune to the medical invention of man [but not god, again see alkalizing diet - while youre on the subject check out cannibinoil]) since the EPA said you couldnt dump the shit in rivers anymore!! Capitalism at its finest. David the people want to wipe their asses with the whitest thing they can Chlorine Gas is cheap and can bleach paper Peter. What do we do with the Agent Orange left over? Sell it to the bush boys, the rest well Dump in the rivers. We dont make money off of frogs do we? The people wont stand for that! They wont notice for a while, once they do well just sell it to them to put on themselves. How in the Rings of Saturn are we going to convince people to ingest the most toxic substance known to man? How have we been convincing them to eat food thats been genetically modified to grow in poison, grown in poison, harvested and processed by slaves, preserved by carcinogens, flavoured by endocrine disruptors.... Oh I see where youre going here. The same way we convinced 98 million to get a cancer virus, believing they were eradicating Polio. Doctors Doctors You know in backward old China (do they even have internet in China) their doctors get paid when their patients are healthy. If you allow your patient to get Cancer you have failed as a physician. When you suppress the cure you have failed as a Human Soul. Choose life.
Posted on: Thu, 25 Sep 2014 02:20:40 +0000

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