i know some of us want to lose weight every year during - TopicsExpress


i know some of us want to lose weight every year during ramadhan.....only to find out at the end of the month that we didnt actually lose weight. I am trying to explain why. You see, the act of fasting itself is not THE solution to weight loss, it never was. Your body does NOT burn fat BECAUSE you are fasting. however, fasting is a beneficial diet STRATEGY to lose weight, simple because it restricts the amount of calories you can eat in a day. But you see, here comes the mistake that most people make and dont seem to realize it. and the mistake is, EATING AFTER TERAWIH PRAYERS. Think about it! on a normal non-fasting day for a normal singaporean, we eat 3 meals a day, breakfast, lunch , dinner. Thus we have 3 windows of opportunities where we can taken in calories. However lets take a look at ramadhan, you have your sahur (i.e breakfast), your iftar (i.e your super duper ultra late lunch) and if you eat after terawih, THAT will be your dinner! So, its like you never really did anything to change this cycle! Not to mention, during ramadhan periods u have your geylang air kathira, your bubur masjid, your iftar leftovers, these are really VERY caloric DENSE! Thus, the key to losing weight during ramadhan, is actually to create that change from having 3 meals a day to 2 meals a day, sahur and iftar BUT during these windows, EAT TO YOUR FILL. Nonono, im not trying to tell you to be greedy, i am telling you to eat satiating meals. and after terawih prayers, you are going to sleep anyways, just tahan a bit until sahur u should do just fine~ Its been working for me anyways, before ramadhan i weighed 77 kgs to make a weight class in silat, now i stand at 70.5 already going down by 2 weight classes....all in 2 weeks only! it just takes a bit of resilience from your part. I apologise for the lengthy post :D
Posted on: Thu, 17 Jul 2014 11:46:37 +0000

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