if any of you watched the president today i hope you were a - TopicsExpress


if any of you watched the president today i hope you were a shocked as i was at all the racist comments he said about black yung men hace all the disadvatages in life and i quote "if this had been a white boy the outcome whould have been diffrent" then he wnet on to say about all the disadvantages he had as a young black male ok obama your going way to far why did you have to say if it was a white boy why not a mexican or jewish or NATIVE AMERICAN im sure obama had it rough gee senator millones paid there now president with a bank acount in the millones for the rest of your life yea buddy you had it hard look im not saying ethier party was in the wrong i was not there but for our own president to come on tv and talk about racisim then to use rasit comments just pissed me off we have delt with this for hunderds of years i am half inidan on my mothers side i have delt with it because im a half breed i have many freinds of all race white black mexican porto rican i see it everday i hear it every day my own childern have to deal with it because they dont come from the right hood or they dont have money or the fact that we live in a apartment that is in a hotel i use to be in a boys home in washington state we were treated like crap because we did not belong to the town that we all went to school in we all need to remember one thing skin tone where you live how your were rasied should not be a issue we need to stop all the crap and just be human beings and love eachother life is hard enough with out adding hate to the the pot thanks for listening
Posted on: Fri, 19 Jul 2013 23:13:30 +0000

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