ift.tt/eA8V8J Hi all, Ive kind of been a lurker here for some - TopicsExpress


ift.tt/eA8V8J Hi all, Ive kind of been a lurker here for some time, but rarely post anything. Ive been playing FIFA video games since 05, and FUT since FIFA 10. Over that time, Ive been able to consistently find myself with a 3/1 win ratio, 55% and above possession, and overall have had what I would consider to be a really fun and competitive experience. Ive been seeing a lot of threads about who to sell when, and what formations are the best, and I thought that I would offer my 2 cents on what has worked well for me. Clearly, there are a multitude of ways to get to the top. That said, Ive followed more or less the same formula every year. I suppose that I should preface my guide to these two teams by saying that I played soccer at a very high level for the NCAA champions in 2011, so I realize that my ability to read the game may come a bit easier than for some. That said, hopefully this guide might help a few of you guys out. Here we go!! ----> 1st Team League: La Liga Formation: 4-1-2-1-2 (2) diamond Key players: Cerci (CF), Rodrigo (ST), Gabi (CM), Inigo Martinez (CB) Cost: ~13-16K Link: ift.tt/1rog2Ud --> Overview This squad is a Liga BBVA side that revolves around quick, incisive passing play through a midfield four of Gabi, Feghouli, Ever Banega, and Rafinha. Each of these players has great dribbling, passing, reactions, and the requisite pace to do their job well. Whether youre playing against Yaya Toure and Pogba or some random silver midfield, the tight spacing of the 4-1-2-1-2 (2) combined with the new attacking game engine improvements allow for this spanish side to dissect the other team with constant pass and move football. You can either dominate possession to frustrate an over-aggressive opponent, or strike swiftly on the counter with 1,2 passing combinations and the speed of your attacking triangle of players. You should change the instructions of Gabi to stay back during attack, and tell Rodrigo to run in behind the defense. Gabi will shield your defense with his 82 interceptions and outstanding tight control, while Rodrigo will occupy theirs with his pace and power. How to Succeed with this squad: Like I mentioned before, keep the ball in your midfield as much as possible. This will help you win games for two different reasons: -1- When you have possession, the other team does not. If they dont have the ball, they cant score.. its as simple as that. Be wary of over passing the ball and getting caught out on the counter, because that is a danger of this formation. With Gabi instructed to sit back and the pace of your center halves it isnt too much of an issue, but still it is something to keep in mind. -2- When you tap the ball around patiently, the other team will start to sprint. If youve been reading any of the tens of reviews that /r/fifa contributors have written, then you know that this game is all about dribbling and close control when attacking. Your players wont have to sprint if they have the ball because they are dictating the play. 9/10 times your opponent is going to get pissed and start chasing you around and abusing secondary contain. They key, once you realize that this is the case, is to stay composed. What youre going to want to do here is play a through ball over the top, but that will usually get picked off or headed away. Instead, pass the ball in to Rafinha or Cerci, then back towards Gabi. What this will do is drag their CB upfield, creating a two on one between their last CB and Rodrigo with whoever is left running upfield. You dont even have to trigger the run with LB, they all know what to do to take advantage of this space. Just patiently pass around their onrushing man and either play a through ball to your forward our cross it in for a finish. I know that sounds easier said than done, but if you remember to go up, back and then through you should see a lot of success. Once again, this is a possession based side that takes advantage of the excellent, but cheap non-rare gold players in La Liga. Not only will this side bring you wins, but it will increase your general FIFA skill on both ends of the pitch. --------> 2nd Team League: Portuguese League/Eredivisie Hybrid Formation: 4-3-3 (4) Inverted triangle midfield Key Players: Depay (LW), Martinez (ST), Perez (CM), Nani (RM) Cost: ~20K Link: ift.tt/1uX4iG2 ---> Overview First of all, let me start by saying that I saw this team posted on futhead. I absolutely love that it has two very pacey, very likeable 5 star skillers in Memphis and Nani on the wings. This squad revolves around manually using your one of your 2 Box-to-Box midfielders to get stuck in on defense, and then dribble with the ball as fast as possible up the pitch with the other one to create a 4v3 on one side between your flank and theirs. As far as directions go, tell your two holding mids to cut passing lanes and to stay back in attack. This will make it so that you will always have a guy (or two) sitting back to stop the counter, and they will actively try to intercept the ball and get it back up to the goal scorers. --- How to Succeed with this team This team, unlike the Tiki squad, is less about maintaining 60% possession and more about making decisions in positive numbers situations. By that I mean that you will often find yourself in a situation in which you have just intercepted the ball, played it to the other holding mid, and are now on the break. At this point, you will have one extra player compared to the defensive team. At this point, it is imperative that you force of of the defenders to leave the area that they should be playing in order to take you on. This is what people mean when they say dragging the defender. Here is an example: their team ------------------------Hart---------------------------- Johnson-------Sahko-----Kompany----------Kolarov ---------------Ramsey-------Yaya------------------- Navas-----------------Di Maria-------------Sterling ------------------------Aguero------------------------- --- Some guy Im playing against has a totally stacked 4-2-3-1 BPL side and is trying to break me down. Im controlling my workhorse, Perez, and am able to tackle Aaron Ramsey as he tries to dribble into my third and pass to the streaking Jesus Navas and Sergio Aguero. I quickly see that Wijnaldum is open for a quick pass to start the counter, so I find him. Wijnaldum runs into space on the left-center part of the pitch, and his other holding mid, Yaya Toure is sprinting back over trying to cover ground and catch up. On the left Half of the pitch, we now have Wijnaldum, Quintero, Depay, and Martinez against Johnson, Sahko, and the trailing Yaya. It is important that you dont play the ball up to Martinez too quickly, or else Kompany might slide over to help out. We want to preserve the 4v3 as long as possible, so that once we play it to Quintero he has an easy 3v2 decision to make. If it doesnt work out that ways and Kompany does slide across, you can always shuffle the ball over to Perez (who will be marked my the onrushing LB Kolarov) for an easy pass to Nani. Like I said in the beginning, this isnt the holy grail of FIFA tactics. There are a bunch of ways to play this game, thats part of what makes it fun. That said, I believe that the game mechanics cater to the skills of the players of these two teams. They arent two expensive, and should provide you with the base to build your Ultimate team through winning divisions and tournaments. Eventually, you can include all of your favorite players and use the skills that youll hone with these lads to truly dominate the game. Thanks for reading, and Happy Hunting!!
Posted on: Mon, 29 Sep 2014 21:39:09 +0000

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