imagine this... having a cough, all the time, to the point where - TopicsExpress


imagine this... having a cough, all the time, to the point where you have coughing fits at least once a day, having tummy cramps after missing a single dose of tablets, which brings me to the next thing, imagine not being able to eat a meal without taking 4 or more tablets, not being able to put on weight, not being able to hang out with friends until sitting down bored for 20 minutes doing nebulizers to help you breathe, having to exercise daily, just to keep your lungs from failing, not being able to be around your loved ones when they have a cold, because if you catch it... youre going back to hospital, but thats not even the worse bit, imagine losing a friend who you became extremely close to, watched go through the same thing as you, who was only a year older, imagine thinking because you lost them at the age of 17, just 2 months before turning 18, that you would lose your own life just before you turned 18, imagine being told your life expectancy is just only 30 years old, or constantly feeling like a burden, what if... it wasnt all bad? if you were able to eat stuff others couldnt, and not gain any weight? chocolate for breakfast, lunch and tea? not really, you arent a chocolate fan, so that doesnt affect you, but... you do get to eat fatty foods/fast foods/junk food, without a care in the world! as long as you remember those tablets you need to have with meals. this is CF. up until the age of 12, i was reasonably lucky, i hadnt been admitted to hospital for a tune up which i have always thought was the doctors way of saying if you dont, you will stop working, to us when we were younger, in a way i guess we would understand, they would tell us, like cars need to be serviced, and without that service every so often, it will eventually stop working. after this admission, i needed to go into hospital at least once a year, just to keep working, i was first admitted to hospital when i was diagnosed with diabetes, but not the normal diabetes, Cystic Fibrosis related Diabetes which meant i could still eat all that junk food, but i would have to take a needle daily for this to be possible, do i choose to cut the junk out of my life, so i can avoid stabbing myself in the tummy? no, i guess thats just something i forgot to mention, CF is needles, blood tests, cannulas, x-rays, scans, too many doctors appointments and sometimes operations, needles freak every second person i know out, but me? they dont phase me anymore. any way, back on track, soooo admissions? as i got older, the amount of times i needed a hospital stay increased, as i assumed they would, but i am lucky, i have the best support, from the best family, i cannot remember one time that my mum or dad wasnt sitting beside my bed with me - and thats because there wasnt, no matter what, one of them would always make sure to be by my side. on top of all this, we still have normal people problems, family issues, friend problems, broken hearts, being teased, you would think after everything we go through, these problems wouldnt seem so big? wrong, we havent been dealing with these problems since we were born, so they are kind of a big deal, our brothers still hog the playstation, still try to get us to do the dishes when its their turn, our parents still refuse to buy us that toy that weve been wanting for weeks, our friends still get angry when we borrow their things without asking, and in my case, boys still broke my heart, we get teased for being short, being too skinny, but the main one we get... is being told to Quit Smoking or being told Smoking Kills little do they know, we know that smoking kills, we are dying, but its not because we are putting bad stuff into our body, its not because we chose this, you should never judge a book by its cover, or i guess you should never judge a person by their appearance would be a better term, you dont know whats going on in their life, so maybe we should all just really learn to treat others how we would like to be treated.
Posted on: Wed, 13 Aug 2014 06:35:05 +0000

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