its probably nt my place to tell pastors wat to do bt im - TopicsExpress


its probably nt my place to tell pastors wat to do bt im bewildered by dis thot: they hve preached tymz without number da verse dt says faith without works is dead bt they hve not fully lived it...dis verse dazn only apply to the congregation giving tithes bt it also serves to tell Pastors dt smtymz God wants them to do more than jst lay handz on hz people...the bible in Psalms says we re gods bcoz we re of God hence we need to do what God would do, we need to care for da sick, give to the poor...Jesus didnt only lay hands, he also fed thousands wth the little he had... i blv thez words cum frm da hrt of God coz churches hve turned to gold digging centres, where da only people who re respected are thoz who gve more...a lady in the bible gave her last penny whch waz all she had, God saw wat waz in da hrt...we need to stop makn churches the same as political parties whr we re grouped by class bt we need to b equal as the bible says alwayz thnk of others highly, higher then u
Posted on: Sat, 01 Feb 2014 09:30:29 +0000

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