ive been doing alot of searching over the years. trying to find - TopicsExpress


ive been doing alot of searching over the years. trying to find out about my brother sister mother and father. my real ones. i never really had any die hard facts. just bits and pieces of garbage info fed through a straw by the government agencies in charge of me. however i always thought one thing was certain, i hated my parents for what i was told they did and were like and that wasnt going to change. recently however i learned that my mother has been looking for me and my siblings since 2004. and i realized that not only do i not actually know the situation behind my adoption (i was too young to understand it back then) but i actually really want to meet my mother. i cant really hate a person who brought me into this world and is searching for me. at least not until i learn the reasons behind her decisions. i wouldnt go so far to say i love her, obviously the mother/child love is unconditional and all, but i dont know her at all so how can i love her. but there is that desire to know my roots and know where i come from so to speak. so 20 plus years have passed since i was adopted and even longer since i was taken into foster care and could only do visits with my parents. ive done all this searching and many are helping me to find my family. i do think i found my brother although since his facebook hasnt been active in over a month its hard to tell. and i do think i found my father though he seems to not want to meet me at all (guy added me and then unadded me when he learned my name, though he seems to not want to meet me at all) i am still searching for the family i lost all those years ago. anyway my point is i am realising that even though i was taken from my family i cant hate them and really only miss what i didnt have for all those years. i want to meet them and the sooner the better. i just want what i was deprived of. and thats the loving mother brother and sister i do believe i had at one time (and as my mother is searching for me i think she still loves me).
Posted on: Fri, 19 Jul 2013 23:23:29 +0000

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