ive had a BEAUTIFUL wave of messages come in over the last 24 - TopicsExpress


ive had a BEAUTIFUL wave of messages come in over the last 24 hours since i shared my nakey-soul video. and even apart from that, theres been a trend in the messages ive had with SOOOO MANY challengers and team members. and it just seems like... we ALL struggle with this fight between juggling all of lifes demands, and our health being the LAST priority. and i dont say that sarcastically or with any judgemental implications. because, IT MAKES SENSE! to take 30 min a day to workout and a few hours on a weekend to meal prep... it seems SELFISH and SO MUCH less important than the other things DEMANDING our every ounce of energy. we can hardly get in 5 hours of sleep let alone workout and all that crap. When i started trying to build into myself a year ago- i was working 4 jobs. a brand new mom. doing it solo. what i personally found was that, when i ate better and had a more functional metabolism, waking up wasnt so hard in the morning, so it wasnt so hard to get my work & schoolwork done QUICKER. which gave me more time and energy to engage with my kiddo without growing impatient. when i wasnt so groggy and run down, i was more clear minded to maybe engage in a convo with God in the car instead of blast music for the sheer purpose of keeping me away from point A to point B. when i had that 20 minute convo with God i was able to walk into work, or a difficult conversation, or whatever the next demand was- with a clear sense of self love, life purpose, humble confidence, and drive to improve me. hell. it even started ushering me into caring about how i was treating different relationships and how i was talking to myself in my head each day. it catapulted this MASSIVE overhaul of what was going on INSIDE me. my heart. my emotions. it allll correlated. i want SOOO badly for peoples wavelengths to be opened to a level of health that will usher in ALL THE OTHER things you want for your life. health isnt about health for health sake. or health for taking selfies or wearing a swimsuit sake. im sorry. its not. its about making the rest of the AMAZING and amazingly DEMANDING things in your life---> possible. the stuff that you want to do and the stuff you have to do. if you have nothing to give to it... is it really working to not make sure youre healthy?? i dont know. am i making any sense?? does anyone else find that when they are intentional about physical health,, it helps them be more intentional about the other areas of life? why is that? or am i odd? youtu.be/q5HtyNv0AfA
Posted on: Tue, 20 Jan 2015 01:47:38 +0000

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