lil omm students- would anyone like to travel to East Meets West - TopicsExpress


lil omm students- would anyone like to travel to East Meets West Yoga Center in Virginia for a day with an amazing yogini? Pleasance is heading to these workshops and would love to have some LO company.. email info@lilomm for more information on pricing and how to sign up! Tao Porchon-Lynch: Aging Gracefully 7/26/2014From: 10:00 am - 12:00 pm The Amazing Tao Returns: There is Nothing You Cannot Do: Aging Gracefully: Wisdom Through the Ages Tao Porchon-Lynch is truly living proof of the effectiveness of a life-long yoga practice. Her colorful life of glamour and grit, from marching with Gandhi, to the French Resistance and heyday of Hollywood, brings a unique and unparalleled experience to her students. Join us as we host this inspiring 95-years young yoga grand master and explore the eternal energy of yoga. Tao will be integrating breath and movement, and sharing with us the experience of her yoga tango. Using the four pillars of yoga-pranayama (breath work), mudras (gestures), bandhas (energetic locks) and chakras (energy centers), we will explore the rich potential of the body to renew, heal and revitalize. Tao will lead the students through a deeply absorbing meditation, inspiring deep compassion and inner peace. Extraordinary leaders and teachers change the way we perceive the world. The very best lead us by their example. Tao Porchon-Lynch, master yoga teacher, 95 years young, synthesizes the most positive aspects of Indian, European and American thought. Tao is uniquely equipped to spread yogic insights, originating in India, to westerners seeking enlightenment. She has trained and certified hundreds of yoga instructors, since founding the Westchester (New York) Institute of Yoga in 1982. Tao has over 70 years of yoga practice and more than 50 years of teaching yoga to students in India, France, Moscow, Prague and the U.S. Morning Session: 10:00 am - 12:00 pm Tao Porchon-Lynch: Vinyasa - The Dance of Life with 7/26/2014From: 2:00 pm - 5:00 pm The Amazing Tao Returns! Tao was awarded on Mother’s Day, 2012, the Guinness World Record for being the oldest yoga teacher on the planet! Explore the tools and essence of yoga through a master’s eyes. Learn how to engage and use your own inner strength to flow into a state of balance and clarity. Using the techniques of her teachers, B.K.S. Iyengar, Mataji Devi and Swami Prabhavananda, Tao will enlighten and delight students with her magnificent integration of chakras and bandhas, increasing awareness of their unity. To achieve a sound structure of body-mind consciousness, she brings into play the meaning of yoga, in the flow of the vinyasas—the power that links them with the eternal energy of the universe in the “Dance of Life”-meditation in motion. At 95 years-young, Tao Porchon-Lynch is truly living proof of the effectiveness of a life-long yoga practice. A yoga teacher for over 45 years, she includes in her current life’s incarnations: French resistance fighter, actress, model, screenwriter, producer, wine connoisseur, championship ballroom dancer, —the list goes on. Tao’s workshop will be interlaced with inspiring life stories from her childhood in India and her years of study with many of Indias Yoga masters. Her presence and words inspire deep compassion and inner peace. Tao encourages questions and welcomes students who are interested in experiencing her wisdom and joy for life. For more information about Tao, go to taoporchonlynch, or just Google her name and be entertained by the listing of her life’s accomplishments.
Posted on: Wed, 09 Jul 2014 16:26:00 +0000

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