livingwaters THIS IS IN RESPONSE TO MY PREVIOUS POST. MAKE SURE YOU READ THIS: Matthew Shafer: I wanted to share a story with you, Ray. Several years ago while my wife was still in her home country awaiting her green card to come to the US, her family was struggling financially and I was supporting them the best I could from the United States, but things were still incredibly rough for them and one particular week, they literally had no money for food or anything else - a fact which my wife had kept from me. I remember while doing a paper route I was listening to your tape series, specifically the one on the occult. At the end of the tape a message played advising listeners to destroy any occultic or idolatrous objects or statues they had. Then, suddenly and completely unexpectedly, that portion of the tape PLAYED AGAIN!!!! It did this completely on its own! Needless to say, I was frightened beyond belief by this, and then I recalled that I had a small statue of the Egyptian god, Anubis at home. When I bought it it was, so I thought, just a souvenir from the Cincinnati art museum (Im a history lover). So the moment I got home I destroyed the Anubis statue and buried it. A few hours later I got a phone call from my wife in Brazil saying that her family had been financially blessed as several people who owed her father money came forth to pay him, all within a short time of each other, which coincided exactly with my destroying the statue!!!!!!! Epilogue: I listened to the tape again and again, and it NEVER ONCE repeated itself like it did that night on my paper route!!!! Ray Comfort: Wow Matthew Shafer. Just like that couples experience on that tape. I appreciate you taking the time to share that. God bless you dear brother. We wrestle not against flesh and blood... PS. For some weird reason the Donate button automatically came up when I included the link to the series at the bottom of the original post. Im not too quick to click on anything that says Donate. You are probably the same. Here is the link again: tinyurl/okjuyza
Posted on: Thu, 23 Oct 2014 16:00:00 +0000

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