nothing in life hurts more than to be told something by a single - TopicsExpress


nothing in life hurts more than to be told something by a single person and disappointed ,by a person u care so much for . also to keep things in ur heart wraped up so u dont hurt some one else . loving is a wonderful feeling if u no what love is ,and i do because its not a word i use unless i mean it ,also i have a good memory and no what people have said and told me . and at first its hard then u deside let the person close they have been hurt there whole life so they would never do it to some one else , boy i was so wrong i even confirmed with a person who knew what was going on and i was right but the person told me be careful but when u follow ur heart its hard to be careful ,then i look back over the months and if the person who has been hurt there whole life they never new what love was nor to this day dose they r people who just use it to get by in life ,i guess thats why im 43 years old and only be in love with 3 people well only 2 really cuz for 15 years i was not true to my self but my mom told me never say something in less u in ur heart mean it and u cant choose who u fall for god and ur heart chooses that for u so im so sorry to any one i have hurt for having a heart that god gave me to love ,and for telling the truth cuz i really am sorry for hurting anyone and im truly sorry for trusting the words of someone who dose not no who they r inside it dose not matter what u r its whats inside and what u have to offer in life to a person god please take away all my hurt and pain ,and bring some one real into my life i pray for this again sorry for anyone i hurt but its better to just move on now also dont allow any more hurt to my heart i bless every one i have bothered in life dont worry ill be fine intime ,but i do still love for now but time will heal all hurt
Posted on: Sat, 13 Jul 2013 03:26:29 +0000

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