*please read to the end* *apologies about dual posting!* Spotify, - TopicsExpress


*please read to the end* *apologies about dual posting!* Spotify, thats a thing. Taylor Swift and Thom Yorke are big fans. I barely noticed I was on it... I would be so very, very grateful if you could take the time to follow me on there, stream my music and share/tell your friends too if you think theyd enjoy it. If not, please, tell your enemies. Then everyone is a winner! In all seriousness, your help and support is valued more than I can ever adequately express via a social media post. I, like most musicians, rely on word of mouth mainly to get any attention (and FaceBooks algorithms are probably gonna limit how many of you see this post, so shares on this would be incredible if the notion takes you). I aint the prettiest pup on the block and the tunes arent exactly Radio-fodder (any airplay is always massively appreciated and, generally, a total surprise!), Im definitely a live performer and a willing slave to touring, but I hope you enjoy my music and Ill keep on creating it for you treats if you heroes have my back! Ive got yours folks, in the form of melody, lyric, rhythm and passion. I promise Ill never let you down in that regard, whilst there is air in my lungs and a song to be sung. This is a life sentence, in a beautiful open door prison, & Im a willing lifer! Thank you so much for joining me on this thrilling journey, weve been to some special places together, and its only gonna get better! Over and out? Continuing, and in. open.spotify/artist/2uwwtCQ1JB9g8yTgGQzrzH
Posted on: Mon, 15 Dec 2014 17:34:10 +0000

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