(pls only copy-paste, pls dont like- share). Solution to - TopicsExpress


(pls only copy-paste, pls dont like- share). Solution to conversion phenomemon , not conversion problem --- RTR District education officer, cancel patent laws for medicines, wealth tax, Jury System, law-drafts to improve factories etc. AND I OPPOSE USE OF FORCE TO STOP CONVERSION --- it will only backfire and convince more and more Americans and Europeans to donate money and arms to Missionaries in India. . (aside --- pls only copy-paste, pls dont like- share. like-share send notifictaion and disturbs me. I get 400-500 notifications a day, and that ruins my time and my day. so pls dont waste my time by liking-sharing. if you like this pos, pls use ONLY copy-paste, and PLS NOT PUT LINK TO MY PROFILE in your post. And pls dont tag me, as that also send me a notification --- TIA). . To a person , mostly dalit or tribal, who is converting willingly and not due to force, conversion isnt a problem. He sees the conversion as solution to some problems --- real or imaginary. In past, most conversions were by force and if Indian state collapses, we may again see forced conversion on rise. eg during partition, lakhs and lakhs of Indians had to change religion under gunpoint in Pakistan and Bangladesh. But as of now in India, all conversions are without use of force, and are due to (1) education (2) medicine (3) low interest loans (4) direct cash , and direct cash is very very rare. And conversion from Hinduism to Islam is now rare. Most conversion are from Hinduism to Christianity. . RSS-apex leaders may do drum beating on gharvapasi. But reality is that it is all just a drum beating and fake show. The conversion from Hinduism to Christianity are 10-20 times what RSS-apex claims they do in gharvapasy. RSS-apex is only fooling RSS-workers. Want proof ? well, why is Mohan Bhagwat supporting SoMoKes decision to supress census-2011 religion data, till data has been manipulated enough? Because if religion data is disclosed , then it will become known to all that in Gujarat, about 5% Hindus mostly dalits and tribals have become Christians during years 2001 to 2011 !!! And that will make it clear to all that so called NaMos model of growth, which is nothing but for the FDI, to the FDI, by the FDI and of the FDI can only help Missionaries take over India, just as South Koreas FDI-based growth model enabled missionaries to convert 40% of South Koreans. . SoMoKe, RSS-apex, Yogi Adityanath etc are all suppressing census-2011 religion data. And SoMoKe-andbhagats and CoBhApSwaRa-workers support their decisions and further ruin the situation. . NaMo and his andhbhagats etc are proposing use of force to stop conversion using some anti conversion law. NaMo and his andhbhagats opposes freeing Hindu temples from Govt control and NaMo and his andhbhagats also oppose giving Hindu temples management to Hindus by printing SGPC like law-draft . So wealth of Hindu temples doesnt get used for community protection and community well being , and so community weakens. And the low-rung Hindus leave community. And then NaMo, NaMo-andbhagats start making noise as if they are saviors !!! . The reason why poor Hindus are converting is NOT force. The missionaries dont use guns or goondas to force dalits or tribals or anyone else to convert. The following methods are used by missionaries . 1. Education ---- SoMoKe, SoMoke-andbhagats , CoBhApSwaRa-workers oppose Right to recall District Education Officer law-draft. They also oppose RTR over State \ National Education Ministers . So DEO, Ministers etc take bribes and ruin govt schools. So poor are left with no option but Missionary schools and this pushes to conversion. My point is --- people like SoMoKe, Mohan Bhagawat, Yogi Adityanath , SoMoKe-andbhagats, CoBhApSwaRa-workers are part of problem. Pls dont waste time after them. . 2 Medicine ---- CoBha-MPs and CPM-MPs in 1998-2005 took bribes and passed patent laws for medicine . Each Congress, BJP, CPM MP was given a bribe of Rs 11.50 crore to pass this law by US pharma companies. Due to this law, medicine prices of patented medicine went up by 10 to 100 times !!! AK / AAP support this patent laws. To make matter worse, SoMoKe , SoMoKe-andhbhagats and CoBhApSwaRa-workers support use of checmical fertilizers , pesticides which has increased diseases like cancer, blood pressure, stroke, heart attacks etc. The MNC-owners sell medicine whose cost is Rs 1000 at the price of Rs 10000 to Rs 1 lakh, and then give some 10% of the medicine for free to Missionaries. Next, SoMoKe , SoMoKe-andbhagats and CoBhApSwaRa-workers opposed RTR over Health Ministers and District Health Officers. So corruption in Govt hospitals increased. So again, poor need more medicine and they cant afford, and govt doesnt provide. So poor turn towards Missionaries. and this adds to conversion. And then NaMo , Mohan Bhagwat, NaMo-andbhagats etc make noise to project themselves as saviors !! Reality is that they are all part of problem , not part of solution. . 3. Low interest loans ----- Congress / BJP leaders run interest rate mafia which charge interest as high as 20% per month !!! Yes, that is 20% PER MONTH not year. And Missionaries run network which gives loans at 3% to 4% per month. So many poor run to Missionaries. SoMoKe , SoMoKe-andbhagats , CoBhApSwaRa-workers oppose the law-drafts needed to control interest rates. And then NaMo , Mohan Bhagwat, NaMo-andbhagats etc make noise to project themselves as saviors !! Reality is that they are all part of problem , not part of solution. . 4. Direct cash ---- this is rare. . The solution I propose are law-drafts like RTR District Eductaion Officer , wealth tax so that land prices decrease, narcotest and Jury Trials in cases where accused has charged over 48% interest per year, RTR over Health Ministers, RTR over District health officer, cancellation of patents over medicine , immidiate re-census to get correct % for religions, removing govt control over temples etc. Please note that SoMoKe , SoMoKe++ oppose these law-drafts. . (SoMoKe++ ---- Sonia , NaMo, AK , their adnbhagats, plus their apex supporters such as Mohan Bhagwat , Chidambaram, Digvijay Singh, Sidodia, plus workers of Congress , BJP, RSS, AAP, BST ). . The activism method I propose is ---- activists should stop wasting time after SoMoKe , SoMoKe++ and instead ask voters to send orders to MPs via SMS to get these law-drafts printed. . .===== . Why I oppose use of force to stop conversion --------------------------------------------------------- . If we use force to stop conversion, then that will enable Missionaries to get more and more funds from USA, Europe. People in USA and Europe dont wish to fund Missionaries , but if Missionaries are violently damaged , then Missionaries can use that to raise sympathy in USA , Europe and get more and more funds. And it will also enable Missionaries to convince average americans and europeans that US \ NATO forces should be deployed in India !! . So use of force is a non-option. . -Rahul Chimanbhai Mehta , Right to Recall Group . . (aside --- pls only copy-paste, pls dont like- share. like-share send notifictaion and disturbs me. I get 400-500 notifications a day, and that ruins my time and my day. so pls dont waste my time by liking-sharing. if you like this pos, pls use ONLY copy-paste, and PLS NOT PUT LINK TO MY PROFILE in your post. And pls dont tag me, as that also send me a notification --- TIA).
Posted on: Fri, 12 Dec 2014 03:56:45 +0000

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