#rant For those people who have lots of random people added on - TopicsExpress


#rant For those people who have lots of random people added on their facebook: Doesnt it piss you off that everyone complains about no one talking to them, having lots of friends online but no one messaging them, and the fact that no one likes their posts YET does not make an effort to talk to anyone themselves???? OR The fact that all these random people add you just for attention and just to have friends. when i add people i add them, so i can talk to them and make friends. No i have not messaged EVERY single person i have sent a friend request too. BUT i do make an effort to talk to people. OR These random people add you and inbox you hi and thats pretty much as far as the conversation goes. Do you people on facebook realize that there is another person behind that screen. not just a profile. Do you realize that you have infinite things to talk about? Not everbody knows about the same thing. you guys can talk about your interests and hobbies. not just hi whatsup and then ending the conversation. I want to get to know everybody that tries to message me. I want to have some sort of friendship or mutual understanding with all 3000 of you on this profile. I just am kinda sick of people ignoring how interesting of a person i can be and limiting what we talk about. I dont like simplicity. Creativity is what i thrive off of. What i am trying to say in this whole status is that i am very disappointed in facebook. You can connect with pretty much ANYONE IN THE WORLD but what everyone chooses to do is make fun of others, add people for attention, post status for attention, and have stale conversations with strangers. Facebook was created for the purposes of connecting people. Not distancing each other for their own selfish desires. Its depressing how many depressed children there are on this gigantic thing called the internet. You wanna know why they are depressed? Lots are sad because of personal reasons. others are sad because they are empty. They have nothing inside them but followers and likes. They live and breathe facebook or tumblr. To the point where it becomes a parasitic relationship. Facebook just keeps getting more and more attention and it slowly hollows you out. I dont want that to happen. IF ANY OF YOU WANT OR NEED A FRIEND OR SIMPLY JUST SOMEONE TO TALK TO OR SOMEONE TO PAY ATTENTION TO YOU. IM HERE. RIGHT HERE. YOU GUYS MAKE ME FEEL SO INVISIBLE BECAUSE THERE SO MANY OF YOU. I TRY AND TALK TO LOTS OF YOU, YOU NEVER REPLY. I SIT AND WAIT PATIENTLY AND I GET A MESSAGE IN MY INBOX FROM SOMEONE I TALK TO EVERYDAY. BOTTOM LINE IS. Start treating yourself like a person, not a profile.
Posted on: Fri, 12 Sep 2014 20:01:24 +0000

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