so here is the musing of the day... which is more true? what many - TopicsExpress


so here is the musing of the day... which is more true? what many people have been raised to believe - to turn the other cheek or to not ever harm any living thing under any ciurcumstance or for any reason whatsoever OR nature and the way living beings have ALL developed and evolved the urge and ability in one way or another to defend themselves if they percieve they are in danger? they cannot BOTH be correct at the same time. to say never harming anything ever even in self defense is proclaiming nature to be wrong, immoral, inaccurate, and NOT at one with spiritual or universal laws. to declare nature and the instinct for self defense to be natural and maybe even a spiritual right is to proclaim that the belief of turning the othewr cheek and never harming anything (in any religion that teaches this) is wrong and misguided notion. if one wants to make the claim that we are all one that come from one source and our spirituality is united even in death and the realmns beyond and that "as above so below" is true, then would it not also be true that self defense is an instinct in this lifetime because it is an instinct and a right in the spiritual realms as well? and if that be the case, then why do we listen to people who make laws that say we dont have the right to defens ourselves and we must eityher run with our tails between our legs like cowards or else let anybody do anything they want to us even rape and murder us or face life in prison? why do we listen to people who say we cant own guns or that we shouldnt defend ourselves and our nation against rising tyranny if it should come to the point it is needed? and where is that point? where is that line? when gov agents demand entry to your home uncosntitutionally? when they pull you from your home unconstitutionally? when they send people to fema camps like slaves? when they sign an exec order to permit slavery again? everybody wants things to remain peaceful but we have to ask this question too. it isnt that i promote violence...i dont. i dont want it at all. i want peace. but i also want my life and my liberty and my property. i want to be left alone and not harrassed and i dont want my medication held hostage by fed agents demanding unconstitutional entry to my home in a obamacare "home visit". i dont want totalitarianism!!!
Posted on: Tue, 03 Sep 2013 03:54:05 +0000

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