so if you know me you may have heard me talk about how boring - TopicsExpress


so if you know me you may have heard me talk about how boring electronic music is because of how the industry charts, along with ridiculous sub categorical nonsense genres, create a cannon of style or rules for music to be allowed into the antiquated charts and techno game. the cannon of style set by the chart system and DJ (disc jockey) culture controls the expected proportions of the music (bpm, pattern arrangement, style of synth... expectations), to the point where the music isn’t art and it is more of a design because the form itself is only driven by need of a DJ (disc jockey) to where form is solely created as a function of a chart controlled techno DJ (disc jockey not producer) econnomy. not creative art Daleri just did a mash of all the drops from the top 100 on beatport. you will see my point driven to its hyperbole. This is why i will only ever play my own shit. and the reason I will only play live pa. cause i take risks and make my music in the spirit of art. Straight up original G shit. Just check my bandcamp for proof. peace to daleri for smackin em in the face with it. https://soundcloud/daleri/epic-mashleg
Posted on: Thu, 18 Jul 2013 04:22:07 +0000

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