so the is the copy of the inc magazines list of the most popular - TopicsExpress


so the is the copy of the inc magazines list of the most popular leadership and management experts in the world? so check out who is number 20 and 39 thats right the craters of my business Oren and Chris and we are the only one that have 2 on this list in our organization Ultimately, people are a product of their influences. Even truly groundbreaking business thinkers use the ideas, the perspectives, and the advice of others as the basis for their own thoughts and actions. So, who are the most popular leadership and management experts in the world? Thats a great question, one Jurgen Appelo, a creative networker, speaker, and author, set out to answer. His team factored in rankings, ratings, links, search ratios, and Twitter followers in an attempt to quantify popularity. (Ive included Appelos detailed description of the methodology at the bottom of this post. Though truly quantifying popularity is impossible, the approach Appelos team used makes sense--especially when you check out the people who made the list.) If you see people in the list below you dont recognize or arent following, check them out. Were all a product of our influences, so it only makes sense to improve both the quantity and the quality of the people we listen to. 1. John C. Maxwell 2. Seth Godin 3. Jack Welch 4. Guy Kawasaki 5. Tim Ferriss 6. Daniel Goleman 7. Dale Carnegie 8. Kenneth H. Blanchard 9. Richard Branson 10. Michael E. Porter 11. Marshall Goldsmith 12. Tom Peters 13. Stephen R. Covey 14. Robin Sharma 15. Simon Sinek 16. Patrick Lencioni 17. Rosabeth Moss Kanter 18. Tony Hsieh 19. Thomas L. Friedman 20. Orrin Woodward 21. Steve Farber 22. Don Tapscott 23. Clayton M. Christensen 24. David Allen 25. Brian Tracy 26. Bob Sutton 27. Michael Hyatt 28. John P. Kotter 29. Peter F. Drucker 30. Eric Ries 31. Anthony Robbins 32. Gary Hamel 33. Mike Myatt 34. Jason Fried 35. Charles Duhigg 36. Daniel H. Pink 37. Dan Rockwell 38. Marcus Buckingham 39. Chris Brady 40. Jurgen Appelo 41. Robert B. Cialdini 42. John Baldoni 43. Jeffrey Gitomer 44. Gretchen Rubin 45. Malcolm Gladwell 46. Susan Cain 47. Dan Ariely 48. Jim Collins 49. Liz Strauss 50. Chris Brogan If you want to dig deeper, here are 51-100: Charles H. Green, Mark Sanborn, Michael D. Watkins, Dave Ramsey, Steven D. Levitt, Peter M. Senge, Tim Sanders, Harvey Mackay, Tim OReilly, Vineet Nayar, Lolly Daskal, John Piper, Nassim N. Taleb, Ben Horowitz, Niall Ferguson, Warren Bennis, Terry (Starbucker) St. Marie, Kevin Eikenberry, Nancy Duarte, Scott Eblin, Derek Sivers, Mary Jo Asmus, Robert S. Kaplan, Jon Gordon, Sheryl Sandberg, Barry Posner, Wally Bock, Bill George, Bill Hybels, Lynda Gratton, Andy Stanley, Wayne W. Dyer, Bob Burg, Michael E. Gerber, Richard Florida, Bill Gates, Tanveer Naseer, Joel Spolsky, Gordon Tredgold, Michael McKinney, Vijay Govindarajan, Mike Figliuolo, Penelope Trunk, Ted Coiné, Steve Roesler, Walter Isaacson, Umair Haque, Subir Chowdhury, Kerry Patterson. And heres the methodology: The purpose of our work was to find out which people are globally the most popular management and leadership writers, in the English language. In other words, we did not focus on local countries or languages; we did not focus on teachers, professors, or CEOs; and we did not measure any other topics besides management and leadership. Step 1: Top lists With Google, we performed a lot of searches for most popular management gurus, best leadership books, top management blogs, top leadership experts, etc. This resulted in a collection of 36 different lists, containing gurus, books, and blogs. We aggregated the authors names into one big list of almost 800 people. Step 2: Author profiles Owing to time constraints, we limited ourselves to all authors who were mentioned more than once on the 36 lists (about 270 people), though we added a few dozen additional people that we really wanted to include in our exploration. For all 330 authors, we tried to find their personal websites, blogs, Twitter accounts, Wikipedia pages, Goodreads profiles, and Amazon author pages. Step 3: Goodreads ratings With the Goodreads profiles, we checked the total number of ratings the authors received for their books. We assumed that the more ratings an author has received, the more popular are his or her books. Some authors do not have books (only blogs). Those didnt get a score in this category. The result was a ranking of management and leadership writers on Goodreads. Step 4: Twitter followers We assumed that the number of followers on the social networks is another indicator of popularity. We decided to only use Twitter, because its use appears to be the most widespread. LinkedIn doesnt offer insight into number of connections, and Facebook, Google+, and Klout are not used widely enough to use in our calculations. The result was a popularity ranking of authors on Twitter. Step 5: Blog reputation This was a difficult category, because some authors have blogs on their company website, some authors publish blogs on large media networks, and some authors separate their blogs from their personal sites. The best metric we could think of was the number of unique websites linking to the authors blog as a measure of his or her reputation. We assumed that the more domains linking to a blog, the more popular the author must be. This resulted in a ranking of blogs. Step 6: Wikipedia Many authors have a page on Wikipedia, but the existence of a page doesnt mean that much. Again, we checked how many unique websites link to the authors Wikipedia page, which resulted in a ranking of authors on Wikipedia. Plenty of authors are not on Wikipedia, which means they didnt score in this category. Adjustments Some authors rank highly in many metrics, but they have little to say about management and leadership. For example, Colin Powell is very famous, but not because he is a management guru (though he did write a book). Likewise, Mary Jo Asmus is not as famous, but almost everything she writes is about management and leadership. Therefore, we had to find a way to compensate for peoples real affinity with the topics of management and leadership. Step 7: Google search ratios For all authors, we did a search for author name blog AND book and also author name management AND leadership. By comparing the number of hits on Google search, we determined which authors are often associated with the terms management or leadership. This resulted in yet another ranking, but this time of authors and their affinity with these specific topics. Step 8: Number of lists Last, but not least, we used the 36 original sources mentioned earlier. We counted how often each authors name was mentioned on those 36 lists. For example, Bill Gates is very well known, but he was mentioned only once on a management and leadership list. Fewer people know Mike Myatt, but his name popped up no less than 13 times across the 36 lists. This resulted in a ranking of authors most often mentioned in top lists on the Internet. Step 9: Average The last step was simple. We had six rankings from six different sources. We simply calculated the average across all of them and sorted the results again. That created our final ranking of Top 200 Management and Leadership Authors. Disclaimer We know there is no way to accurately measure popularity. The best we can do is use different imperfect measures from different imperfect sources. Scientists know that measuring multiple times with imperfect tools doesnt remove all bias and inaccuracy. But it does reduce the error margins and gives at least a decent enough picture that can be considered useful. We believe this is the best we could do within the time we had available. Of course, we welcome any suggestions for improvement. Last updated: May 12, 2014 More: 7 Signs Youve Really Found Your Calling 12 Insightful Gifts Bosses Should Give Themselves A Healthy Way to Lead When Times are Tough 24 + SHOW COMMENTS RECOMMENDED SLIDESHOW 2014 Holiday Gift Guide Shop Responsibly Want to make a bigger impact with your holiday shopping this year? We’ve rounded up some of the most sustainable, environmentally-friendly--and just plain cool--products made by entrepreneurs. From fair-trade fashion to compost-conscious… more Recommended Videos
Posted on: Wed, 10 Dec 2014 01:17:14 +0000

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