some of chapter 3: I didn’t say much to Aidan as we headed - TopicsExpress


some of chapter 3: I didn’t say much to Aidan as we headed towards his car which was parked across the street but I was in a lot of ways for once very appreciative for the silence. As I clambered into the passenger’s seat I couldn’t help but feel a little nauseated and annoyed. “You okay?” Aidan asks me seconds later knocking me back to reality. I nod to him and then lean back against the seat. Outside I was nervous for the day ahead, inside I was fuming that my two best friends had gone out of their way to embarrass the hell out of me in front of boss. Did they have no manners? Didn’t they realize that made me look bad? I remained quite silent as we drove into the early morning traffic. It was the first time since I had met Aidan that I felt like didn’t have much to say. “You want to tell me what’s bothering you?” Aidan finally asked as he drove into heart of the city; dodging taxis that we passed. I turned to look at him and replied. “I’m fine.” “You haven’t said a word to me since we left your apartment.” said Aidan who was giving me incredulous look. “So something tells me that something is bothering you.” “I’m a little tired this morning, that’s all.” I said shrugging my shoulders. It was a terrible lie, I know, but Aidan didn’t retort. He just ignored it and kept on driving. When we reached Braxton Communications my attitude was still the same. I said nothing at all until we had reached the elevators. Aidan gave me a swift stare of resentment before pushing the elevator button. He then leaned over and whispered. “Tell me what’s wrong with you, Christine, or I swear I’ll get it out of you in my own way.” He’ll get it out of me his own way? That definitely sounded like a threat to me. Afraid to find out what that would consist of I turned to him and murmured softly. “I’m a little upset the way my friends behaved this morning towards you, okay? My ankle is still killing me! Not to mention, I have a dinner meeting with you later this evening to consider! It’s a lot to process, okay?!” When the elevator doors finally open, Aidan turns to his left and right; making sure that no one is within sight of us and he then places both of his hands on my shoulders and slowly and gently pushes me back into the elevator. I hear a faint smack from behind me and I realize that I am in contact with the wall. “Are you always this feisty?” He asks; and I can him pinning my arms down at my sides. “Are you always this articulate?” I mutter back; daring to test him. For a brief moment, there is a massive swirling electric charge surging between us and I think for a moment he and I are about clash but instead he reaches up with his right hand and mutters as he caresses my cheek. Wouldnt you like to find out?” I feel like any given moment he is about to kiss me because we are close…far, far too close. Suddenly the elevators doors open and Aidan quickly steps back to allow three men in sharp tailored suits into the elevator. All of them acknowledge Aidan with a simple nod before getting lost once more in their conversations. Aidan continues to stare at me darkly and I try my best not to think about what will happen once these men have left the elevator to their designated floor. Ping! The elevator doors open once more and a middle-aged woman in a purple dress suit enters the elevator. It’s starting to get overly crowded and I can’t help but notice that Aidan has shifted back over towards me once more. I get the vibe that he and I have not finished our conversation but being a gentleman, he has opted not to let it get out of hand in the presence of other people. “We will have to sort this matter out as soon as possible.” said the middle-aged woman as she spoke loudly over her cell-phone. “I intend to solve the matter out as soon as I can. This should never have happened! Why, because we have reputation to uphold here at Braxton Communications, Mr. Sanders, that’s why and you would do well to remember it!” I looked up at the numbers flashed on a screen: 68th floor, 69th floor, 70th floor. Oh god why was this taking so long? I just wanted to get to work as soon as possible and away from him! By the time we had reached the 89th floor, all three men and the woman and stepped off the elevator, leaving me once again alone with Aidan. I looked over and saw him leaning against the railing in the corner. His big blue eyes fixated on me; a twinge of darkness gleaming within them. “Do you know what all that chatter was about?” I asked him; still feeling little hostile towards him for way he had held me against the elevator earlier. He shook his head at me and replied. “Not a damn clue though I suppose it will reach me by the end of the day.” “Look, I’m sorry for being so irate with you this morning, okay?” I said hoping he would accept my apology. He nodded at me and added with a sincere smile. But it looked anything but sincere. “Apology accepted. Christine.” Ping! Both Aidan and I look up at the number on the screen. The 106th floor. “Well, this is us.” Says Aidan as the elevator door opens once more. He allows me to step off first. “Mr. Braxton, there is a phone call for you on line one.” Bridget says swiftly standing up from behind her desk. “Thank you, Bridget.” Aidan says before walking over to take the phone that Bridget has laid out on the counter for him. I quickly scurry off down the hallway and into my office; eager to start my day. Coffee, that’s what I need. I walk over towards the corner where Aidan had given me the ice cold water and see a modern Keurig sitting on the table. I pull a vanilla bean flavor out from the drawer underneath but just as I was about to rip the top off I hear a low muffled voice from behind me. “Can you make that two please, Christine?” I managed a half-smile and turn around and saw Aidan is standing there looking as charming as ever his hands deep into the pocket of his dress pockets. “Would you like cream and sugar with that?” I then ask abruptly. Can I ever escape him? But I think the real question I need to be asking myself is do I want to escape him? “Both.” Aidan says striding over towards me in his sensual strut. As I grab some from the same drawer that I got the coffee, I murmur. “Don’t you have a meeting with mergers or something to go to? We don’t go out to the dinner meeting till 7 tonight if I recall and I have a lot to do before that time.” “Yeah, I lied about that.” He says now standing next to me; waiting with an empty coffee mug in his hand. I automatically give him a quick glance. “What do you mean you “lied” about that?” I ask in confusion. He then takes the cream and sugar from my hands and places them back down onto the table next to his coffee mug. “There was never any other CEO’s coming. I only said that so I could get your attention, so that you would say yes.” “I’m afraid I don’t understand what you mean by that, Aidan.” I say looking at him in bewilderment. Before I know it Aidan has forced me hard against the hall; leaving me out of breath. “I know that I’m not supposed to want you, I know it’s wrong, but I can’t help it!” He hisses through clenched teeth as he caresses both sides of my face; hungrily. And like a constricting snake he pins his whole body against me; just like had done in the elevator previously. I realized that I had nowhere to run, nowhere to hide this time. I was exposed to him completely and I loved it. “Kiss me then.” I then say in breathless anticipation; feeling ten times braver than I had in the elevator moments ago. Truth was, by now I didn’t care anymore. I wanted him anyway that I could have him. I felt like a fool for denying myself what my body had been telling me since the day I met him. He looked down at me with big wide eyes, as if he can’t believe I just uttered the words that just came out of my mouth. “Do it! Kiss me.” I say again but more urgently.
Posted on: Fri, 25 Jul 2014 17:17:15 +0000

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