teh littlur purrsun went to teh county human sosiete to git teh - TopicsExpress


teh littlur purrsun went to teh county human sosiete to git teh spae surtifecates for teh kittuns. wen thay calld teh doctur her found out won of teh kittuns went hom wif sum uthur purrsun. hur did say if sumwon want to give teh kittuns inside hom that that coud. won lukee kittun got won. yay kittun! thay has a nu derekter thar now an her sez that can dopt cats to outsid hom if thay wuz outsid cats befor. thay has LOTSA cats that needs homz, an thay dont has any more room for cats. teh littlur purrsun sez thay evin has for cajis in teh vestabewl. thay had sum cats out ther that cam today that thay sez ar barn cats. thay sed they was gonna get yoofinised cos thay wasnt tame an cudnt git a hom. too ov thum cam hom wif her. i didnt meet thum yet thay are in teh plants howse now thay has to liv ther until thay git spay. her sez thay ar sweetharts but thay cant be sweetharts coz i am teh sweetharts!
Posted on: Sat, 23 Nov 2013 01:14:04 +0000

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