=====> the covered agent behind the desert sand.< ==== Article - TopicsExpress


=====> the covered agent behind the desert sand.< ==== Article BY : MOULAY AHMED MAOUELAININ The Polisario was created shortly before the decolonization of Western Sahara in Zouerate In Mauritania by Twenty one sahraouis the 28th of April 1973. But since 1976 The secretary General of the Polisario Mohammed Abdelaziz and a small group of other Leaders control the Tindouf Refugee camps. The polisario front is the product of another era prior the collapse of The Totalitarian System, although the world started to experience changes, as from the last Decade Of the last Century, Polisario remained apart from such changes in the international Political Behaviour. No free elections, no democracy, no plurality, no freedom of speech and Expression, no free opinion and most definitely no civil society. All the politico-military movements similar to Polisario have disappeared since the fall of Berlin wall. Since Polisario operates in a non- democratic way, it has suffered, as totalitarian Organizations usually do, from repeated purges aimed at eliminating potential competitors to The leader of polisario Mohammed Abdelaziz, as well as to justify the fact that polisario lives On a continual war footing and severely restricts the movements of the sahraoui refugees Living in the Tindouf camps. THE LACK OF DEMOCRATY AND VIOLATION OF HUMAN RIGHTS The lack of real democratic practices in the refugee camps in Tindouf reflects undoubtedly The manner of arbitrary arrest were carried out, according to an independent committee of inquiry into allegations of violations of human rights, crimes, abuses and various other irregularities brought against the Polisario front some victims were brought to the polisarios administration complex at Rabouny, not far from Tindouf, or to the offices of the polisario military security. They were then transferred in secret to places of detention and torture, mainly to Rachid prison, known within sahraoui refugees as the black prison. Others were arrested at work, during their military training, or in their camps. generaly speaking the victims of arbitrary arrest were transferred to Rachid prison in early evening or at night, hands tied behind the back, eyes blindfolded or the whole face hooded to prevent recognition of their captors or the place they were being taken, at this particular stage detainees were not informed of the charges against them. During the last three decades torture was used by the military services of the polisario with the aim to forcing detainees to confess to being agents to foreign countries, or involved in any forms of conspiracy. According to the independent committee of inquiry into violations of human rights by the polisario, it is in possession of a detailed list of 43 people who died under torture, or as a direct consequence of the ill-treatments suffered. This list needs to be completed, and up dated as the figure seems to be higher than what it is disclosed. A number of witnesses who fled to Morocco described the phenomenon of summary executions without any legal procedures, detainees who were spared from being executed, were not informed of their conviction or any charges. They were in most cases subject to forced labour, during the period of torture, prisoners could easily experienced days without food. Medical care is in practical terms inexistent. THE DIVERSION OF #HUMANITARIAN AID Sahraoui refugees in the Tindouf camps depend on humanitarian aid donated by numerous UN organizations, in addition to international non-governmental organizations. It is believed And even proved that much of the humanitarian aid does not reach the refugees, instead it is In most cases sold on the black market in neighbouring countries by the Polisario. In this Respect the international community have called in numerous occasions for the Implementation of a census, and an audit system to make sure that the management of the Humanitarian aid is transparent. Both Algeria, and Polisario has refused to allow #independent Oversight of its management of humanitarian assistance. Important quantities of diverted International humanitarian aid sent for refugees in Tindouf camps have been found on the Markets in Algeria, and Mauritania, but also in Mali and Niger, some still in their original Packaging. The sums recovered would be used to finance the front, and also its leaders way Of life, at the expense of sahraoui refugees. These diversions according to the report of the US Committee for refugees published in year 2000 Humanitarian workers have reported that more than 30% of the children from 5 to 12 years old were underfed, more than 70% of the Children of less than 5 years old suffered from anaemia, in its 2001 report the committee Announced more than 15000 children are in need of shoes, and finally in its 2003 report, its Said some donors in private, have asked for a control of the distribution of food to Make sure that the political and military leaders were not diverting the aid HUMAN RIGHTS ASPECTS AND ITS CONSEQUENCES The polisario is severely accused of human rights abuses : the detention, killing ,and the abuse treatment of Moroccan prisoners of war from late 70s to 2006, other accusations are that a big number of sahraouis are kept in the Tindouf camps against their will, and do not enjoy freedom of expression. In a report published in 2003; Amnesty International concluded that freedom of expression, association, and movement continued to be restricted in the camps controlled by the polisario near Tindouf in south western Algeria. The polisario remains a totalitarian military and political movement, with single party system, from inside the Polisario reports are talking about more than 6000 sahraoui children, and adolescents are currently living in Cuba, in most of the cases against the will oftheir parents, and under the pretext of schooling, some of them are subject to obligatory military training. A full and comprehensive report of an independent committee of inquiry into allegations of violation human rights, crimes ,abuses ,and various other irregularities brought against the polisario front, was submitted to the special political and decolonisation committee (fourth committee) of the United Nations on the 4th of October 2006.This 40page documented report deals with the following aspects: The condition of detention, the use of torture, the absence of even the minimum level of judicial process, malnutrition of prisoners, and the absence of medical care. Forced labour , rape ,and The abdication of Moroccan citizens within the international recognized frontiers of Morocco An education system more concerned with indoctrination than learning- Allegations of deportation of sahraoui children to Cuba Allegations of misdirection of humanitarian aid by the leadership of the polisario The separation of families. The secretary general of the polisario front Mohammed abdelaziz remained the elected president of the sparsely recognized Sahraoui democratic republic since 1976. He and a small number of his entourage control the Tindouf refugee camps. The Polisario has been feeling internal pressure since the 1991ceasefire. Thousands of sahraouis living in the refugees camps are kept against their will, and do not enjoy the basics of freedom of expression. Most of youngsters who have never been allowed to visit nor to join their families in the Sahara rail in frustration, According to the report by The European strategic Intelligence and security (ESISC), lack of democracy and an oppressive climate under the leadership of the polisario, has led to several members leaving the refugee camps in Tindouf most of them joined Morocco, and the rest opted to go abroad .Polisario leaders who have left the camps for Morocco, are now actively campaigning for Moroccan sovereignty over western Sahara. More than 30 years of the separatist polisario backed by the Algerian political leadership, and controlled by the Algerian military intelligent services. led the front to a number of strategic failures, and most of all to the sufferings of sahraoui refugees, its record in terms of human rights is the worse in the region. According to the amnesty international report of the present year (2007) those responsible for human rights abuses in the refugee camps in previous years continued to enjoy impunity the polisario front took no steps to address this legacy. The existence of the Polisario is linked to the existence of these camps, and the existence of such refugee camps on a hostile territory in subhuman conditions over a long period is a flagrant infringement of human rights. The Polisario has constantly violated the most elementary human rights for the last 30 years. #un #terror #maghrib #algeria #humanright #thetruth #spy #cnn #bbc #aljazeera #usa #algeria #alqaida #corruption #france #spain #russia #deutschland #cuba #UK #norway #afrique #marocco #tunisia #portugal #mexico #sahara #tindouf
Posted on: Sun, 03 Nov 2013 15:27:03 +0000

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