the men dove out of the way as the desk slammed into the front - TopicsExpress


the men dove out of the way as the desk slammed into the front door. An infected hand managed to penetrate through the momentary crack and became lodged in between the double doors. The hand wriggled franticly in place trying its damnedest to gain purchase on something. Bishop and Jones didn’t give it a chance as they threw all of their combined weight behind the desk. The sounds of snapping and grinding bones reverberated through the small expanse causing the two men to grimace in disgust. After one final shove the hand sheered away from its owner and fell atop of the desk twitching and writhing on its surface like a headless viper, its final nerve impulses firing and evaporating away without stimuli to control the movement, the twitching slowed receded after a moment finally bringing it to rest across the polished surface.
Posted on: Sat, 10 Aug 2013 03:07:15 +0000

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