After being unceremoniously dumped from - TopicsExpress

   After being unceremoniously dumped from Tourism and then humiliated by the Premier’s decision to let the media feeding frenzy take its own course, Deputy Premier Kim Hames made what was clearly a reluctant statement to Parliament yesterday ‘apologising’ for the incorrect travel claims that preceded his demise: "Dr K. HAMES: It was recently brought to my attention that I had made errors in my claims under Section 5 of the Salaries and Allowances Act 1975 determination in August 2012. These errors were largely a result of inconsistencies between my electronic diary, which I used to make the claims, and my day sheets. Two of my staff and I have now done a detailed examination comparing both going back to September 2008. We have now identified nine dates that require repayment to the Parliament, one in 2008–09, six in 2010–11 and two in 2011–12. Interestingly, I found a number of dates on which I could have made a claim. This number significantly outweighs those I incorrectly claimed. I will not, however, seek to make claims on these dates. My point is that, clearly, my errors were not deliberate, and I could easily have substituted alternative correct dates. I have since repaid this amount, a total of $2 296."
Posted on: Tue, 06 Aug 2013 23:50:43 +0000

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