this is the word used in hebrew for serpent nakhash, it does not - TopicsExpress


this is the word used in hebrew for serpent nakhash, it does not mean serpent of snake it means The KJV Old Testament Hebrew Lexicon Strongs Number: 05172 Original Word Word Origin Xxn a primitive root Transliterated Word TDNT Entry Nachash TWOT - 1348 Phonetic Spelling Parts of Speech naw-khash Verb Definition to practice divination, divine, observe signs, learn by experience, diligently observe, practice fortunetelling, take as an omen (Piel) to practice divination to observe the signs or omens So this was a wise being who was learnt in ways of why have we been lied to ? Was this done intentionally ? You bet you bottom dollar, who was this wise being ? Answer, Ningishzidda or Tehuti , who told the man and woman the truth, what they did was mix up stories, in the true story it was Geb and Nut , this is an ancient Egiptian story, seek the original texts and records, the bible was written by men, who purposely mistranslated it to fool us and enslave us, check king james writings to see him say it himself get the sheeple to work for monarchy and seek their rewards in heaven and to turn the other cheek and have faith and hope, sound familiar, is this not the same thing govts are doing to us world over, while they rob and destroy the planet ? Wake up and get yours before you die.
Posted on: Wed, 04 Dec 2013 22:15:49 +0000

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