todays topic is pRayer. the type of prayer we will discuss is that - TopicsExpress


todays topic is pRayer. the type of prayer we will discuss is that of faith. the prayer of faith using the word of God to have what you say. the Bible tells us the Gods Word will not come back void, but that which it is set out to do. in order to be effective in your for your life you have to know what Gods Word says about whatever situation you are praying for. when we come to God in prayer we need to come boldly! Hebrews 4:16 says let us therefore come boldly to the throne of grace that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need. prayer is not a time meekness, but rather boldness Thanksgiving and confidence you will have what you say. lets look at mark chapter 11 verse 13 and 14 first... Jesus was hungry and saw a fig tree with leaves. now starting at verse 13. and seen from afar a fig tree having leaves he went to see if perhaps he would find something on it when he came to it he found nothing but leaves for that was not the season of FIGS v.14 in response jesus said to it, let no one ate fruit from you ever again... and his disciples heard it. I jumped down here to verse 20. now in the morning as they passed by they saw the fig tree dried up from the roots. first 21 and Peter remembering said to him: Rabbi look! the fig tree which you had cursed has withered away. I want to point something out peter is the one that pointed out that the fig tree had withered away. keep in mind they were walking together. do you wonder why jesus did not look at or say something about that fig tree? if you have just cursed a fig tree the day before would you not go back and check to see if the fig tree was withered? it was Peter who was amazed now lets find out why. verse 22 jesus answered and said to them have faith in God verse 23 for surely I say to you whoever says to this mountain be removed and be cast into the sea and does not doubt in his heart, but believe that those things he says will be done, he will have whatever he says. now I would encourage you to read verse 24 and 25 also but for now we are going to focus on those verses. jesus knew that he would have whatever he says not because he was the son of God, but because he knew his authority and he knew that whatever he says he will have because he did not doubt in his heart. Im not sure if in todays world we are capable of reaching 100 capacity without doubt. however as we read before Gods Word will not come back void but will accomplish that which it is set out to do. so if you would like effective prayer in your life you have to give him the book. find a scripture that backs up that which you are praying for. if you ever want to know if you are praying in Gods will, its very simple if its in the book it is His will if its not and it is not. so let me give you an example of this. gracious merciful Father in heaven I boldly come to your throne of grace thanking you for all youve done in my life and the breath that you gave me everyday father I need a healing Your Word says that Healing is mine For itis by your stripes we were healed. not will be but were. your word also says the prayers of a righteous man Availity much. although at times I stumble. Your Word says I am the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus. your words says if anyone among us is suffering let him pray I understand you are not talkin about suffering from sickness or disease. however my heart is troubled in patients are thin your word also says the prayer of faith will save the sicK I have called the elders of the church to pray over this sickness. Your Word says that if I confess my sins to one another and I will be healed. Im standing on these words in faith believing that I receive, and I will have whatever I say. that is what your words says. and your word can not come back void. one of the only things that you cannot do is lie. I am believing for healing. I will see the manifestation and your precious time. I thank you in praise you and magnify your name. you tell me you and your word that if I ask anything in Jesus name according to your will, it will be done. healing and peace or in your will because theyre in your word . thank you for hearing my prayer I believe right now healing is mine. no matter what the World Report is I am choosing to believe your word. because I know your word is the truth. you tell me in Isaiah 65:24 that it shall come to pass that before I call you will answer and then while Im still speaking you will hear it is because of your word and I have confidence. you are the author and finisher of my faith. thanks be to you Father God and youre my son Jesus name I pray amen. ok did you realize what we did there? that whole prayer was based upon . Word. I found the scriptures that fit what I needed and implemented them in my prayer. That family is a prayer of faith. I would encourage you to never let these words come out of your mouth when you pray: God if it be your will... as we just discussed if it is in the Bible it is in His will. if its not then it is not. there are other kinds of prayers to pray also for different circumstances. 1 is a prayer of supplication it we will discuss later. but for now I know that this will help you. when you pray in Gods Word a prayer of faith it will be answered and cannot come back void. you however have to believe in your heart that you will in fact have whatever you say. not keep in mind the enemy is pretty slick. he would do whatever he can to get you to doubt that God will answer your prayers. keep in mind he is the ruler of this world and the Prince of the air so be careful what you say and how you believe. the enemy can only use what is known to man. in other words, he can use test results , words from your doctor and so on. anything common to man to make you doubt. the question is whose report will you believe? just because something is a fact does not mean its true. here is an example. I was diagnosed with Hep C in 2008. the test results where the facts. I prayed exactly the way I just showed you. no matter what them test results showed in the years to come I stood upon the truth of the Word of God. if you know youre a thority because of who you r in Christ Jesus you will also know that everything is subjected to including blood work test results and doctors opinions. in 2012 I got my quarterly blood work. my numbers enzyme levels were normal. no sign of Hep C anywhere. doctors can not explain. however I can. my daddy healed me!! only because 2 reasons prayer of faith and standing on that fsith regardless of the circumstances. you can have that same faith if you choose to. you have to realize that you are not of this world anymore. everything in the kingdom of God is opposite to the kingdom of Satan which is this world. some believe you will receive. have a blessed day. you can also post comments and discussion on the speak life believers voice of faith. grace peace and love to all in the mighty name of my King, Jesus the Christ of Nazareth....
Posted on: Sat, 26 Jul 2014 11:38:31 +0000

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