via: blogtalkradio/weareallonemovie IAMabsoluteHEALING.COM - TopicsExpress


via: blogtalkradio/weareallonemovie IAMabsoluteHEALING.COM I do not think I am alone in having similar sentiments. I personally had hoped the EVENT would happen by now, but based upon Cobra’s latest interview with Rob Potter and also the most recent Planetary Situation Update it appears that the last steps toward liberation are difficult and dangerous. I had intended for the extra time to be used regarding additional EVENT preparations, but the month of October has not gone as planned. This has been one of the most difficult energetic months I’ve experienced in my entire life. Given that I have endured nearly two decades of severe depression earlier in my life, I believe that is a pretty strong and sobering statement. Nonetheless, it has been forcing me into a period of introspection which has been necessary but painful. Admittedly, I was quite naïve before joining PFC. I thought we were very, very close to the EVENT happening early this year and did not realize what a long, hard slog lie ahead. While in a cosmic sense it is virtually an instant away, for a terrestrial human the waiting is interminable. It is like one of those hallways in a horror film – you keep walking and walking while the end of the hall aradoxically keeps getting further away. Furthermore, throughout 2014 I’ve been facing unforeseen obstacle after unforeseen obstacle. If I didnt fully understand the reality of ‘archonic interference’ before, I certainly do now. Many conversations have ensued – all necessary, some painful, and always resulting in me realizing that I must be more careful to not let my thoughts and actions drift toward the negative. When I speak of the negative, it comes to be in form of crippling self-doubt. Anyone who has read A Plan To Maintain The Safety And Well-Being Of The Populace During The Financial Reset may realize that I’m planning on trying something very ambitious at the time of the EVENT in an effort to reach as many civic leaders as possible. Honestly, it is very scary and there are times when I wonder if I will be able to pull the whole thing off. I am not a trained public speaker, and under stress I can say and do stupid things. Hence, I’ve been fretting most of the month as to whether I am ready to do this. Well, serendipitously I’ve been making mistake and mistake this past month in my personal life. While this may be ankle-biters (in fact, I’m certain it is), I am trying to use this as an additional crash course training to get my mind in the right place when the EVENT happens. This has required a lot of extra rest as well as facing the fact that the ‘Nova Biscotti’ moniker will be retired permanently at the time of the EVENT. Personally, this is a bigger deal than it may seem. I’ve more or less become a hermit due to ridiculously long hours working my ‘real’ job and also trying to get my arms around the needs of the website. Hence, I go weeks and even months without talking to friends or even family. I’ve decided recently that my being so secretive needs to stop. For job-related reasons, I need to remain anonymous – but that I need to share with people what I believe will happen and how I am planning to assist at the time of the EVENT. This has left me feeling drained emotionally at a time when I desperately need every bit of energy available to me. Nonetheless, I see that this is vitally necessary on a personal level such that I can proceed without fear and worry. This particular saga is not complete – I am quite literally in the middle of this particular sub-journey. But I am learning much about myself – in particular how to deal with doubt whether it originates internally or externally. To those of you who are reading this, I hope this finds you in a place where you have already dealt with personal issues. If you are someone like me who still has ‘loose ends’ to tie off, all I can say is that I empathize with your plight and wish this to be a catalyst to deal with your own relationship issues – be they of the ‘relationship to yourself’ variety or whether they truly involve other people and longstanding and unresolved emotional pain. To truly heal the planet, we must heal ourselves as much as possible. When we are sad or in pain, it is difficult for our light to shine externally – sometimes all others see is the darkness of our own hurt. Every leader with good intentions who has been compromised by the Cabal has suffered on a deeply personal level – sometimes to a degree where we could only react with horror and disbelief. It is much easier to hurt others if you’ve been hurt yourself – but only if you’ve been trained to view pain and suffering as necessary for the ‘natural order’ to remain intact.I put that particular phrase in quotes because I simply do not agree with it. I do not view the natural order’ as survival of the fittest cruelest. Rather, I believe that true evolution occurs when a species exists in harmony with their environment. This planet is quite screwed up in that regard, IMHO – especially humans. I believe our own evolution will arise based upon cooperation and not competition for limited resources. In a similar vein, I believe one does not learn compassion by viewing suffering as a necessary consequence of existence. When one crosses that threshold belief-wise it becomes possible to commit horrible acts of evil because one can convince themselves that they are doing the ‘right thing’. For me, doing the ‘right thing’ means admitting your faults and working to address them. This requires honesty both to others as well as oneself. It is never easy and almost always results in strained relationships temporarily. But those who are worth keeping in your life will honor and accept you no matter what…eventually. We are all siblings of the human family, and it is time for us to come together as such. Victory of the Light! more at: gofundme/crave gofundme/WeRaLLONe gofundme/WeAreALLONeMovie . .
Posted on: Wed, 05 Nov 2014 22:47:45 +0000

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