when Christ Michael returns, How would the enemies of him and his - TopicsExpress


when Christ Michael returns, How would the enemies of him and his people be, and how will his own people treat his return, would they believe in him, or will they end up killing him for their own personal selfishness (Created Sacrifice), helping to eliminating the truth of their problems? what is Truth? " Trust in God " or " In God We Trust " Truth - Honesty; confirmity to fact or reality; true statement; undisputed fact. Trust - Worthiness; reliable prisoner given special privileges, held in trust. They will be in control of the entire Earth, all Nations will be at their mercy, and he who holds the truth to all things will be outcasted by the ignorance of his enemies already fixed structure, a land of laws against him and his people, and most of them will be in league with them who services not them, only their desires. He will fight a battle against a world of lies, deciet and falsehoods, to try and save a people that are comfortable with their already structured dwellings, a people without knowledge of their demise. They are in the Church of Faith, yet the Leadership of their beliefs are the mentors of their Generations negaative direction, and this is the truth of their Secret Social Structure of Society (Mark 6:34. And Jesus, when he came out, saw much people, and was moved with compassion toward them, because they were as sheep not having a shepherd: and he began to teach them many things.), was that word many things, like man, (y.clept-meaning-Arch, called, to call) "y", the symbol of women enslaved. To live in a world (Babylon), where people don`t steal, they ask, where people don`t take, they give, and we are continuing to take, steal, lie, murder and covet, all in the name of Righteousness (Image). They say that we are made in his image, so who created us, if to be made is a metaphor for building structure, whether it be physical or mental? Who is God, and what is the purpose of believing in him to save the already living, and raise the dead? Who are the entities Lord God, the Christ, the Angels and the Prophet, and how could the prophecies of Scriptures be manifested to become true? This word God, is this another word for slaves of Royalty (Malachi 3:6. For I am the Lord, I have change not; therefore ye sons of Jacob are not consumed.), or is it a word of Spiritual Being? Royalty Role Playing out your life is no life, nor is worrying about who wants you dead, suffering, enslaved and/or cripled. Yet our Government empliments the structures that calibrate our existence as either a good or bad person (living soul/human slave/independant individual), so your thought process is manipulated by men unionned and united against the belief of our freedoms. Division of a Nation brings conquest of destruction, and predications of planned future control, yet it does nothing to honor truth and faith, it only distorts the fact of the fatherless and substain the the glory of the widows (Maryam and Isa/Mary and Jesus/Mother and Christ), while the making of War creates death of family structures, by way of keeping the men out of the women and children`s lives, leaving them vulnerable to the decisions of their Nations Rulers (Puppets of Fear/Cowardly Hearts). They will force our leadership (President Obama) to stop the people from prayer, because it is our strength (II Chron. 7:1. Now when Solomon had put an end to praying, the fire came down from heaven, and consumed the burnt offerings and the sacrifices; and the glory of the Lord filled the house.). The glory of the Lord (Holy Ghost/Old Glory/Women of Color). They are our Mothers, Aunts, Daughters, Sisters, Cousins, and Grandparents, and most importantly, they are our Kin (Blood of Christ/Muslim Blood), " the glory (Women) of the Lord filled the house. " Was this how the word became flesh? Was this another way of describing how Adam was enticed by what Eve was offered? Was this the downfall of man? Does this represent exactly what is happening today, and will our ruler stand and fight for truth, especially since he is surrounded by his and his peoples enemies (II Chron. 7:19-20. But if ye turn away, and foresake my statues and my commandments, which I have set before you, and shall go and serve other gods, and worship them; Then will I pluck them up by the roots out of my land which I have given them; and this house, which I have sanctified for my name, will I cast out of my sight, and will make it to be a proverb and a byword among all nations.)? They (Serpent/Man), have been listening to our phone conversations since God (Allaah/All of Mankind) knows when, so look at your lives and how many times coinscedences have been happening, and how your relationships (Living Souls) have been orchestrated by the hands, eyes, ears and mental structure (Babylon) of man. You as a people (My Sheep/Mankind) realize that they have been using our women (Holy Ghost/Jezzabel) to control their techniques of living in orchestration (Creation), and now they (Serpent/Man), have come clean about our slavery. I have been with you from Generation to Generation, only to establish a true equality among the living arrangements of the Earthly inhabitants (Earth). Their dwelling is a Haven (Heaven/Government) embedded within a Secret Covenant of lies. The fear of Death (Jesus on the Cross) curses us African American people and them as a people, and their discovery by all Nations (He has but a short time), shall be their downfall. You are now at their mercy as a Nation, because you have failed to speak as one massive unit (Allaah), and they have allowed you no rest from their torment (Hell/Hades), while confusing you as a whole (Blind, Death and Dumb), they have managed to orchestrate your destiny away from truth (Islamic Christ), by paint and words of deception. Painting his color in their likeness, and rewriting his truth of origin as their own. Stealing our identity as a Nation (Gen. 25:34. Then Jacob gave Esau bread and pottage of lentiles; and he did eat and drink, and rose up, and went his way: thus Esau despised his birthright.), and hiding our Historical origins as the true Creators of Civilizations, and to continue keeping the suspense of the unknown within our expectations, there-by influencing our curiosity of how and where we came from, and as we individually look and hope for a way out of this structure, we only find ourselves falling deeper into the obis of lies (Fire). They keep us hoping and wishing for a unity of people who are at least understanding towards our Struggles and Living conditions, and or if they even care. They now continue to throw us off track again within our knowledgeless state, by evolution of Curiosity, they have made film (Prov. 27:24. For the riches are not forever: and doth the crown endure to every generation?), their new weapon of distortion and destruction, as in the hunt for non-existing creatures, like Big Foot, Aliens and Sea Monsters etc. These are orchestrated ploys to turn your heads away from your greatest fight, Life. The new tool to turn you away from your Goals, are using such things as the search and possible discovery of Mermaids, which are not actually a necessity to sustain life on Earth. Yet voting is, because the Heavens written in Scriptures are the Governments of the ancient times (Kingdom of God). The Men and Women of Color (Mankind) are either a target or scapegoat for the eyes of Every Nation (Domestic and Abroad), and yet we are the burden bearers of a People unworthy of our Trust, and yet they Trust in our ignorance, as a gain of currency and prosperity within their economic structure. Hell on Earth (Prov. 29:25. The fear of man bringeth a snare: but whoso putteth his trust in the Lord shall be safe.), or Heaven on Earth (Rev. 22:3. And there shall be no more cure: but the thrown of God and the Lamb shall be in it; and his servants shall serve him.), so what do you believe, and who do you want to truly follow? The Generations of God (Allah/Spirit of Truth), or the Generations of Falsehoods (Satan/Ginn/Lies), these are the only two choices, there is no middle ground to truth, only reality of death and life, and a real racism of deception and destruction. They are organized as One Group (Satan/Serpent/Dragon), yet divided in structure in order to be and remain undetected (House Divided), where if there is a problem with the people, there is no Root to the origin, so there is no solution or closure to the problem or problems. Basically they are playing with our lives and families lives, so please someone tell me, " where is the freedom in America? " blackplanet/ArkAngleMichael/
Posted on: Sat, 08 Jun 2013 00:10:28 +0000

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