wonder what kind of video she wud make if she go to Mexico and - TopicsExpress


wonder what kind of video she wud make if she go to Mexico and Guatemala .... Seems like there is a school for kids in Mexico where they train the kids how to beg ... I know many of the people in Mexico or Guatemala or Honduras , I can spot the ones who really need ... their eyes tell on them .... and I can spot the ones who dont .,... How can I do that ??? lets just say , if I did not have a hard working ambitious mama and papa I cud have easily been one of those begging kids ... but my parents were extremely ambitious and took great pride in their ability to do any and all kind of hard hard work no matter what it is ! but what made my parents really proud , so proud they cud boast about it even ... was the children all 14 -1 =13 of us .... not one of us begged for what we needed and not one of us was a thief ... my father held that knowledge dearly to his heart ... He was proud of his sons .. big muscular and strong young sons , all 8 of them turned out to be just like him , hard working and ambitious ... never begging never stealing and never in trouble with the law for any crime .... my father wud look at them with such pride and accomplishment ... My father never went to school not even for a half day of his life , but he made sure his boys didnt miss a day , he knew the importance for a black man to be educated and if it be lacking ... then they had strong arms and a hard working back to work hard , ethically and honestly and good ..... What tourist need to know is that most of that 90% of people who are begging them , really dont need what they are begging for ... there is a huge difference between NEED and WANT .... most just want it because they know you cant say no and they take advantage ... People from third world countries might not be rich with cash ... but let me be a third world country person and tell you that they are not poor nor are they hungry! THEY ARE OR I SHUD SAY WE ARE MADE RICH AND ARE WELL FED , FOR THE SOIL WE TILL IS EVER FAITHFUL , RICH AND BLACK AND PACKED WITH EARTH WORMS ... THE LAND IS RICH ... FOR THERE IS NOTHING YOU WILL PLANT THAT WILL NOT QUICKLY GROW AND TURNED INTO FOOD ..... them Jamaicans are begging not because they NEED to its because They WANT to .. they were fine before she showed up and they be fine after she leaves ... learn to spot the ones who really needs .... one way to get rid of beggars who are really not beggars ... is ... whenever they beg , keep ur pocket with $0.25 .. give em a couple .... each time tell em thats all u got and u gotta share it with the other ones who be beggin soon .... do not dress fancy and wear no jewelry ... none ... get a tan , try not to look too white ... cause in third world countries its a taboo .. all Caucasians are automatically labeled for being extremely rich ..... they become targets in every which way for the color of their skin and where they come from symbolizes wealth ...... many times these white immigrants or tourist are not rich at all , sadly that does not matter for the taboo is permanent ...
Posted on: Sat, 25 Oct 2014 22:08:24 +0000

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