--- Excellent film about a man posing as a - TopicsExpress

   --- Excellent film about a man posing as a Guru. Not only do you see how easily people can be influenced, but also great wisdom about our self as our own guru is passed forward. There is nothing wrong with learning from a guru or any teacher, it can be very helpful, however discernment should be used. Just like a trusting relationship, even the ones you love the most can have the most loving intentions, but it doesnt always mean what they are telling you is best for you. It is the idolization of spiritual teachers that is not healthy, idol worship in general, not just spiritual teachers. A good spiritual teacher points to the spiritual being you already are, which is already at peace just being as it is. A deeper self realization allows us to use our own intuition and discernment to journey through life here on earth with trust, love and an openness to new experience. Its our present moment experience that brings the deepest self realization; the oneness, peace and love most of us search for, but find so transient. We are what we are looking for and when we are it, we stop looking and just be, we do not desire to be anything else. For that desire comes from a place of insecurity, a fragile transient ego, that relies on the acceptance of others to be happy, an accomplishment of a goal etc. Not that these are bad things, but they are based on certain conditions. Acceptance of self will lead to no longer looking outside for approval or the need to accomplish something to be satisfied. The beautiful paradox is that the approval you were looking for, that you no longer care about is experienced in flying colours. And when you set out to accomplish goals, whether or not you fail or succeed, you will not base this success or failure upon your worth as an individual.
Posted on: Thu, 27 Nov 2014 21:27:16 +0000

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