Živjo! Have you heard about Michael Manske and his show “How - TopicsExpress


Živjo! Have you heard about Michael Manske and his show “How to become a Slovene” on Radio Si (Radio Slovenia International)? This guy is absolutely great and so is his show. His programme is about how he looks at the things he’s learned while settling down in his new home in Slovenia - from language to culture to everything else. Well, sometimes his stories or experiences are a little too exaggerated, on the other hand that’s what makes his show funny and great to listen to. However, there is a truth behind every joke, isn’t it!? :-) Why I came up with his show? It was so rainy and dark yesterday and I needed something that could cheer me up. I played one of his shows where he speaks about his experience when he was invited to a Slovenian home to eat and drink. Testko will later play the podcast for you ;-), however that’s how I got the idea for today’s survival lesson. Let’s have a look at the essential phrases that you’ll need if being invited to a traditional Slovenian lunch - to avoid many possible misunderstandings ;-). First of all, you have to learn the vocabulary for different meals. Let’s start with - breakfast = zAjtrk - in between Slovenes eat a snack = mAlica - lunch = kosilo (stress on -i) - again mAlica - dinner = večErja Once you are seated at the table you have to be familiar with the following: - krOžnik = plate - kozArec = glass - prtiček (stress on -i) = napkin - pribOr = cutlery: žlica (stress on -i) = spoon vilice (stress on the first -i) = fork nož = knife žlička (stress on -i) = small/teaspoon When having a meal, the following phrases might be useful: - Odlično (stress on -i) je. = It’s excellent. - ZelO je okUsno. = It’s very tasty. - DObro je. = It’s good. That’s the “diplomatic” one ;-)! - MAlo, prOsim. = A little bit, please. - A bi še? – Ja, prOsim. / Ne, hvAla, sit/a sem. = Would you like more? – Yes, please. / No, thank you, I’m ful. (the ending –a is for women: Sita sem. (stress on -i) - PodAj(te) mi vOdo, prOsim. = Pass me the water, please. NOTE You use “podaj” when being informal, whereas “podajte” is a formal form. - A lahkO dobim (stress on -i) še mAlo, odlično je! = Can I get more, it’s delicious. - DOber tek! – HvAla, enAko. = Bon appetit! – Same to you. - Na zdrAvje! = Cheers! Very important !!! - Ne jem mesA. Sem vegetarijAnec/vegetarijAnka. = I don’t eat meat. I’m vegetarian (masculine/feminine). - ImAm alergijo (stress on -i) na glutEn / orEščke / laktOzo … = I’m allergic to gluten / nutts / lactose … - Ne jem + sth: Ne jem paradižnika (stress on the first -i)/čebUle/pekOče hrAne … = I don’t eat tomato / onion / spicy food … NOTE The noun after “ne jem” should be in genitive case, because it’s negation. Anyway, don’t bother about that, keep it in nominative, it’s important that you make yourself understood ;-)! Srečno!
Posted on: Thu, 29 Aug 2013 18:54:33 +0000

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