לשעות הצהרים הנינוחות והרוגע: Jules - TopicsExpress


לשעות הצהרים הנינוחות והרוגע: Jules Massenet Jules Émile Frédéric Massenet (French: [ ʒyl emil fʁedeʁik masnɛ ]; 12 May 1842 – 13 August 1912) was a French composer best known for his operas, of which he wrote more than thirty. The two most frequently staged are Manon (1884) and Werther (1892). He also composed oratorios, ballets, orchestral works, incidental music, piano pieces, songs and other music. While still a schoolboy, Massenet was admitted to Frances principal music college, the Paris Conservatoire. There he studied under Ambroise Thomas, whom he greatly admired. After winning the countrys top musical prize, the Prix de Rome, in 1863, he composed prolifically in many genres, but quickly became best known for his operas. Between 1867 and his death forty-five years later he wrote more than forty stage works in a wide variety of styles, from opéra-comique to grand-scale depictions of classical myths, romantic comedies, lyric dramas, as well as oratorios, cantatas and ballets. Massenet had a good sense of the theatre and of what would succeed with the Parisian public. Despite some miscalculations, he produced a series of successes that made him the leading composer of opera in France in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Like many prominent French composers of the period, Massenet became a professor at the Conservatoire. He taught composition there from 1878 until 1896, when he resigned after the death of the director, Ambroise Thomas. Among his students were Gustave Charpentier, Ernest Chausson, Reynaldo Hahn and Gabriel Pierné. By the time of his death, Massenet was regarded by many critics as old-fashioned and unadventurous, although his two best known operas remained popular in France and abroad. After a few decades of neglect, his works began to be favourably reassessed during the mid-20th century, and many of them have since been staged and recorded. Although critics do not rank him among the handful of outstanding operatic geniuses such as Mozart, Verdi and Wagner, his operas are now widely accepted as well-crafted and intelligent products of the Belle Époque. Published on Jun 18, 2012 ¿Porque me despiertas, brisa de la primavera?, tu aliento acariciador dice: Traigo el rocío de los hielos... pero se aproxima el tiempo en que he de marchitarme se acerca la tempestad que ha de despojarme de mis hojas Cuando pase mañana el caminante que me vio tan hermosa su mirada errabunda me buscara por todas partes me buscara en torno suyo pero no me encontrará Goethe tradujo fragmentos que Werther lee a Carlota durante su último encuentro. El original inglés pertenece a Ossian del escocés James McPherson, narración en prosa poética que el autor pretendió, engañando al mundo, haber traducido de antiguos cantos épicos en escocés gaélico. Este fragmento es el último que Werther lee a Carlota, y presagia el suicidio del protagonista. youtu.be/Dhumkz4peEk
Posted on: Tue, 09 Sep 2014 10:40:29 +0000

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