الرئاسة المصرية: نحن نواجه إرهابا - TopicsExpress


الرئاسة المصرية: نحن نواجه إرهابا منظما Egypt Fights Terrorism The Egyptian government vowed on Saturday to fight “terrorism and radicalism,” saying Muslim Brotherhood loyalists have engaged in violence and not peaceful protests, a presidential official said in a press conference. Mustafa Hijazi, who is a political advisor to Egypt’s interim government, urged protesters, who are calling for the re-instatement of deposed President Mohammed Mursi, to “go back to their rational senses.” He said “war has been declared” against Egypt by “extremist forces” to foil the country’s aim of forming a civil state. He stated that “burning churches, schools, museums, random firing on civilians sitting in their homes, random killing, burning of public and private properties , targeting government edifices and police,” were all forms of “terrorism.” Egyptians, who “are more united than before,” will be protected from “religious fascism,” he added. “The constitution will be for all Egyptians by all Egyptians,” he said, adding that the government will work to fully implement the roadmap. After ousting Muri in a popularly backed coup on July 3, Egypt’s army chief General Abdel Fattah al-Sisi announced the roadmap which includes temporary suspension of the constitution, early presidential elections and review of proposed amendments to the constitution by experts and a wide-range of Egyptians. Legalizing the Brotherhood? On Saturday, Egypt’s prime minister proposed disbanding the Muslim Brotherhood but according to Hijazi that the government “is not into dissolving anyone.” However, he didn’t make it clear whether the Brotherhood will be disbanded. He said the government is in the process of legalizing all the groups operating in the public service domain but it “doesn’t accept” those who commit actions “outside the law or the authorities of police or army.” The official told journalists that “in any organization there are people who condemn violence.” “I am confirming that anyone from the MB or not from the MB should come back and join peaceful march towards the future, this doesn’t negate the fact that whoever is instigating violence will be banned under law, but those who wish to are welcome to join the march.” He said that there are some who are already cedeing from the Muslim Brotherhood and forming a “new satellite like the Young MBs, MBs Against Violence, those are the future.” ‘One-sided international media’ The interim government has been widely criticized for the use of violence against Mursi supporters. After security forces gave warnings to Mursi loyalists to clear their sit-ins in two major Cairo squares on Wednesday, more than 600 people were killed in one day. Also, more than 100 people were killed on the “Friday of Anger,” when Islamists vowed to express their rejection of Wednesday’s killing and voice a call to bring down the military coup. However, Hijazi said these protest camps were not peaceful. He said the protesters used women and children as shields, some had machine guns and snipers maimed security forces from the top of buildings, he added. On Wednesday, “three officers were gunned down by 12 noon…they were sniped in the face and in the chest,” said Hijazi. While he promised to investigate any violations by the security forces, he defended Egypt’s conduct in dealing with the protests saying that any capital in the world or any sovereign state has the right to defend itself. الرئاسة المصرية: نحن نواجه إرهابا منظما ___________________________________________ السبت 17 أغسطس 2013 قال المستشار السياسي للرئاسة المصرية مصطفى حجازي السبت إن الاعتصامات في مصر تحولت إلى أعمال عنف وأن مصر لا تواجه صراعاً سياسياً بل إرهاباً منظماً وقوى متطرفة تمارس الإرهاب، موضحاً أن المصريين اليوم أكثر توحداً من أي وقت مضى. وقتل مئات من الأشخاص في أعمال عنف الأسبوع الماضي في اشتباكات بين قوات الأمن وأنصار جماعة الإخوان المسلمين. وأشار إلى أن الرئاسة المصرية بادرت إلى المصالحة وتنفيذ خريطة الطريق، مشدداً على أن اعتصاامات أنصار الإخوان المسلمين تحولت إلى أعمال عنف وتحريض عليه. ورفض حجازي تسمية ما يحدث في الشارع المصري بأنه خلاف سياسي، مشيراً إلى أن "كل العنف الذي شهدناه لا يمكن وصفه بالخلاف السياسي"، و"الحرق والاعتداءات في عدة مدن مصرية هي ممارسات تهدف لترهيب الناس". وتعهدت الرئاسة المصرية بتنفيذ "كل التزامات خريطة الطريق"، مشدداً على أنه لن يحول أي شيء "دون تحقيقنا أهدافنا بدولة ديمقراطية". كما تعهد بأن السلطات لن تسمح باستمرار "هجمات لإرهاب والتطرف في المستقبل". وقال مستشار السياسي للرئاسة المصرية إن بلاده "ستواجه التطرف والإرهاب من خلال الإجراءات الأمنية في إطار القانون"، وعبر عن أن مصر تشعر "بمرارة شديدة" تجاه تغطية بعض وسائل الإعلام للأحداث. وأكد أن الرئاسة المصرية ماضية في تنفيذ خريطة الطريق بتفاصيلها، وأن مصر ستنتصر بالقانون والالتزام بحقوق الإنسان، مضيفاً أن "للدول الحق باستخدام أي إجراءات تراها مناسبة". وشدد على أن مصر تتعرض لخرب استنزاف وأعمال عنف ممنهجة وأن "المتطرفين تلقوا دعماً معنوياً من تنظيم القاعدة". ___________________________ الببلاوي يقترح حل جماعة الإخوان بمصر _________________________________ من جانبه، اقترح رئيس الوزراء المصري حازم الببلاوي، السبت، حل جماعة الإخوان المسلمين "بشكل قانوني"، وقال إن الحكومة تبحث الاقتراح حالياً.
Posted on: Sat, 17 Aug 2013 16:44:50 +0000

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