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জুনিয়র স্কুল সার্টিফিকেট পরীক্ষা: বিশেষ প্রস্তুতি ইংরেজি ২য় পত্র Section A: Grammar-30 01.Use articles where necessary. Put a cross (x) where an article is not needed. 03 A true friend is (a)—- asset. He stands by his friend in (b)—-time of danger. He is not a greedy person. He always wishes for (c) ——welfare of his friend. But it is (d)—— matter fact that(e)——- ideal friend is very rare today. Do you have an (f)—-ideal friend? 02. Read the following passage and fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions from the list. 03 with for to with out of Man has an unquenchable thirst (a) — knowledge. He is never satisfied (b) — what he has known and leat. The curiosity (c) — knowing coupled (d) — the indomitable spirit (e) — adventure has inspired him to undertake and carry (f) — dangerous tasks. 03.Make four sentences from the substitution table. 04 Happiness varies on various factors It be rarely found Complete happiness depends a relative term It from person to person 04. Change the following passage into indirect speech. 04 ‘Why are putting up the food in your pocket, sir?’ asked the nobleman. ‘I am doing the right thing. My dress deserves the rich dishes,’ replied Sheikh Sa’adi. ‘Please tell me clearly what you mean to say,’ said the nobleman. 05.Change the following sentence as directed in the brackets. 05 (a) A mobile set is light to carry. (Interrogative) (b) It is not expensive. (Affirmative) (c) Only a wicked person uses it for evil purpose. (Passive) (d) It is used for different purpose . (Active) (e) No other thing is as useful as a mobile set. (Superlative) 06. Re-write the following passage using capitalization and punctuation. 03 the old man said can you give me some food i’ve been starving for two days the maid said why do you beg can’t you work 07. Fill in the gaps used in the following text by adding suffix, prefix or both with the root words underlined in the text. 04 A book fair is an (a) exhibit where different types of books are displayed and sold. Now a days its (b)popular is increasing day by day. (c)Lucky I visited the EkusheyBoiMela this year. Every year, it reminds us struggle and sacrifice of the language (d) move. The fair is organized by Bangla Academy (e)author in the premises of the (f)institute. I found a (g)differ environment in the fair and bought some (h)favour books. 08. Complete the passage with suitable verbs from the list. Put them in the correct tenses. Use negatives where necessary. 04 leave run get think walk snatch be begin Last evening, I was (a)——- along the Sadar Road. My little sister (b)——- with me . Suddenly, a young man came (c)——and (d)—— her gold chine out from her neck. I (e)——to run after the snatcher. But after a while, I (f)—-, it was not wise to (g)——-my sister alone as it was (h)——dark. Section B : Composition—20 09.Suppose, you are Nirma . Your friend is Shima who is living at present in Faridpur . She did a good result in the last J.S.C examination. Send a massage to her through email congratulating her on her brilliant result.08 10. Write a composition on the following topic in 250 words. 12 “ Newspaper” Answer Sheet Answer- 1: (a) an; (b) ×; (c) the; (d) a; e) an; ( f)x Answer-2 : (a) for (b) with (c) of (d) with (e) of (f) out. Answer-3: (a)Happiness is a relative term. (b)It varies from person to person. (c) Complete happiness is rarely found. (d)It depends on various factors. Answer.4.The nobleman asked Sheikh Sa’adi respectfully why he was putting up the food in his pocket. Sheikh Sa’adi replied that he was doing the right thing. He (S) added that his dress deserved the rich dishes. The nobleman requested Sheik Sa’adi to tell him clearly what he (S) meant to say. Answer;5 (a)Isn’t a mobile light to carry? (b) It is cheap.(c) It is used by only a wicked person for evil purposes. D) People use it for different purposes. (e) Mobile set is the most useful thing. Answer –6 :The old man said, “Can you give me some food? I’ve been starving for two days.” The maid said, “Why do you beg? Can’t you work?” Answer: 7 :(a) exhibition (b) popularity (c) luckily (d) movement (e) authority (f) institution (g) different (h) favourite Answer-8: (a) walking (b) was (c) running (d) snatched (e) began (f) thought (g) leave (h) getting সহকারি শিক্ষক জাজিরা মোহর আলী মডেল হাইস্কুল, শরীয়তপুর জুনিয়র স্কুল সার্টিফিকেট পরীক্ষা: বিশেষ প্রস্তুতি ইংরেজি ২য় পত্র Right form of verb প্রিয় শিক্ষার্থী, আজ ইংরেজি ২য় পত্রের ৮ নং প্রশ্ন Right form of verb নিয়ে আলোচনা করা হলো। এ প্রশ্নে ৮টি শূন্যস্থান পূরণের জন্য ৪ নম্বর থাকবে। Complete the following text with suitable verbs in the list with their right form. 0.5×8=4 31 look, land, get, live, have, walk, fall, feel Once upon a time there (a)-a very clever fox. He lived in a jungle in a very hot country just like Bangladesh. One day, when Mr Fox (b)-through the jungle, he (c)-into a trap. He (d)-on his tail. When he (e)-out of the trap, he left his tail behind. Without his tail Mr Fox (f)-very strange and he (g)-very sad and ashamed. What am I going to do? he cried. He thought and he thought. Then Mr Fox (h)-a good idea, so he made a plan. Answer (a) lived; (b) was walking; (c) fell; (d) landed; (e) got; (f) looked; (g) felt; (h) had. 32 tremble, be, fail, bring, look, make, favour, have One day Joynul (a)-for work in his village and in the next village. But his luck (b)-him. He was angry with everybody. When he (c)-back home, his wife. Nazma (d)-to serve his meal. That (e)-him shout at Nazma. I (f)-a severe headache and a fever, said Nazma. Joynul (g)-in anger. The cooking is almost done. Wash your hands and feet. Ill (h)-the food soon, she said. Answer (a) looked; (b) did not favour; (c) was; (d) failed; (e) made; (f) had; (g) was trembling; (h) bring. 33 become, Visit, happen, see, remember, be, eat, have When Mina and I were in Class 2, something very funny (a)-. I can (b)-it quite well. It happened when I (c)-Mina at her home in Sonapur. Minas parents (d)-a large garden with a lot of guava trees. The fruit (e)-green and hard, but we ate some. I (f)-a guava when I (g)-something strange. Look, Mina, I said. Theres blood on my guava! Where did it come from? she asked. We both (h)-worried. Answer (a) happened; (b) remember; (c) visited; (d) had; (e) was; (f) was eating; (g) saw; (h) became. 34 hold, cry, looked, see, be, look, walk, sit My name (a)-Karim. One day I (b)-by myself to Samiras village, when I (c)-a crowd of people under a large tree. They (d)-at a young woman. She (e)-on the ground and (f)-a baby in her arms. The baby was very small and its arms and legs were as thin as pencils. The woman was thin too. She (g)-at her baby and (h)-and cried. Answer (a) is; (b) was walking; (c) saw; (d) were looking; (e) was sitting; (f) holding; (g) looked; (h) cried. 35 go, work, study, be, return, come, do, want Masuda Mahmud (a)-from a village near Rangpur. At secondary school she (b)-an excellent student and (c)-very well in her S.S.C examination. Then she (d)-at the Nurses Training Centre in Rangpur, because she (e)-to become a nurse. When she was twenty years old, Masuda (f)-to Dhaka to study for her B. Sc. in nursing at the Medical College Hospital. Now Masuda (g)-very hard in the Sonapur Health Complex. She came to Sonapur five years after she (h)-to her village and got married. Answer (a) comes; (b) was; (c) did; (d) studied; (e) wanted; (f) went; (g) works; (h) returned. 36 sit, run, look, leave, see, get, take, download Zishan, Julie and their parents Mr and Mrs Arif Khan (a)---into a 1st class compartment at Kamalapur Railway Station. It was Dewanganj-bound Tista Express. The train (b)---at 8 oclock. Zishan saw that the departure time on the big time table at the station was 7:30. However the train (c)---quite fast. The children (d)---by the window beside their parents. Yesterday Julie (e)---a beautiful poem in a train journey by Robert Louis Stevenson. She (f)---a printout of the poem. She (g)---out and (h)---the passing things. Answer (a) got; (b) left; (c) was running; (d) sat; (e) downloaded; (f) took; (g) was looking; (h) saw. 37 sit, join, fell, study, be, have, live, shine Zishans grandparents (a)---in a village. The night sky was clear. The full moon (b)---brightly. All the family members (c)---delicious supper and sat in the yard. Zishans cousins, Jahid and Shima, (d)---very excited. They are the same age. They (e)╛also at a village school. Their grandparents gladly (f)---them. They (g)---on a bamboo mat. Everybody (h)---relaxed. Answer (a) live; (b) was shining; (c) had; (d) were; (e) were studying; (f) joined; (g) were sitting; (h) felt. 38 stay, stand, play, tell, run, refuse, come, be Shimas grandfather (a)---the story of the Selfish Giant in the family gathering. Grandma (b)---to go to bed. She forgot her back pain. It was a large lovely garden, with soft green grass. Here and there over the grass (c)---beautiful flowers. Also there (d)---fruit trees around the garden. One day the Giant (e)---back. He went to see his friend in a distant land and (f)---with them for seven years. When he arrived he saw children (g)---in his garden. What are you doing here? cried the Giant in a very gruff voice. The children (h)---away. Answer (a) was telling; (b) refused; (c) stood; (d) were; (e) came; (f) stayed; (g) playing; (h) ran. 39 be, lose, experience, suffer, become, start, increase, cause Bangladesh is (a)---the adverse impacts of global warming and climate change. Summers (b)---hotter and the monsoon is irregular. There (c)---untimely heavy rainfalls causing water logging and landslides. Already ulimate change (d)---bringing disasters to Bangladesh. We remember the damage (e)---by the Aila in 2009. Climate change victims (f)---in number every day. The number of families and villages that (g)---their homes permanently to rivers every year is one of the highest in Bangladesh. An increasing number of people (h)---damage or loss of their property and sometime life due to disasters caused by climate change. Answer (a) experiencing; (b) are becoming; (c) are; (d) has started; (e) caused; (f) are increasing; (g) lose; (h) are suffering. 40 May, sit, make, save, cause, be, run, be energy by changing your lifestyle.use bicycles too. You (h)in a car. You (g)are much more fun than (f), Avoid machines as much as possible. If your family has a car, use it less and walk to the shops. Walking and (e)least polluted. The golden rule (d)least use of energy, the earth (c)by humans on earth. If we (b)It is easy to understand now that the global warming and climate change (a) Answer: (a) is caused; (b) make; (c) will be; (d) is; (e) running; (f) sitting; (g) may; (h) can save. 41 fall, come, look, take, turn, move, enjoy, be foul.like pearls. There were small waves on the river. Every wave that dashed against our launch increased our thrill and joy. Suddenly after the sun set the weather (h)on the river and the water (g)the beautiful natural scenery in the either side of the river. The rays of setting sun (f)in a jolly mood. The journey was pleasant. We (e)smoothly. We, all the passengers (d)two days to reach Dhaka by launch. The weather was fine and the sky was clear. There was no cloud. The river was calm. The launch (c)to Dhaka from Khulna by launch. It (b)Once I (a) Answer: (a) was coming; (b) takes; (c) was moving; (d) were; (e) were enjoying; (f) fell; (g) looked; (h) turned. মো. জসিম উদ্দীন বিশ্বাস, প্রভাষক ঢাকা রেসিডেনসিয়াল মডেল কলেজ, ঢাকা জুনিয়র স্কুল সার্টিফিকেট পরীক্ষা: বিশেষ প্রস্তুতি ইংরেজি ২য় পত্র Prefixes and Suffixes 21. Pesticides and fertilizers are (a) use for plant growth but their (b) use has led to soil pollution. Natural fertilizers and compost can be used instead of their chemical alternatives. (c) cycling is another way to reduce and control soil pollution.(d) forestation also causes erosion, pollution and loss of (e) fertile in the topsoil planting trees and a forestation help prevent soil erosion and pollution. So, tree (f) plant campaign (g) through the country is a must and it should be made (h) success by dint of sincere efforts. Answer-21: (a) useful; (b) overuse; (c) Recycling; (d) Deforestation, (e) fertility; (f) plantation; (g) throughout; (h) successful. প্রভাষক ঢাকা রেসিডেনসিয়াল মডেল কলেজ, ঢাকা #সব বিষয়ের সাজেশন পেতে লাইক ও কমেন্ট #দয়া_করে_সবাই_শেয়ার_করুন। অন্য কে জানার সুযোগ করে দেন #আর কিছু আসা করি না । #অন্তত ধন্যবাদ টুকু আসা করতে পারি
Posted on: Sun, 09 Nov 2014 14:04:10 +0000

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