今天幫小斑寫了封 email - TopicsExpress


今天幫小斑寫了封 email 給他在美國的同學,順便將最近他在台灣畫的圖當成賀卡,祝福大家耶誕快樂&新年快樂!~我就不再翻成中文了,懶得看英文的人,就純欣賞我家小斑的圖畫和Allie可愛的笑臉吧!~ To all my dearly friends at Open Door: Thank you all for the greetings. It was very sweet and made me chuckle. It seems Christmas is just as much fun as the Halloween and I wish I could make those fun stuff with you there. I don’t have any Christmas experience in the US yet, because my mom took me to Taiwan every winter since I turned one year old. Most people in Taiwan don’t celebrate Christmas with their families because it is not a traditional holiday. However, you can feel Christmas is coming in the cities through decorated trees and lights in many places, especially around department stores. There are also many Christmas events at churches and some other places (theme parks, for example) as well. The most important traditional holiday for families in Taiwan is the “Lunar New Year” (also named Chinese new year). It will come around at the end of next January this year (based on lunar calendar). I would like to share with you how I spend my time during Lunar New Year when it comes. For your questions, it has never snowed on the ground in Taiwan, except in high mountains. The temperature is typically around 70F~75F in southern Taiwan at this time. We do get cold spells once in a while but in general, the temperature does not go below 50F. Now you know why my mom takes me to Taiwan every winter. However, this is likely our last winter to travel and stay for months in Taiwan. Like you, I will be in kindergarten next year. We might have to change our travel to the summer if we want to stay longer. I just started my letter A book yesterday. Mom said I should take my letter books more seriously. She seems to worry that my English may go broken while I stay in Taiwan. Nonetheless, I’m not as worried as she does since I have my own way of learning English here. I really enjoy listening to American stories from audio CDs that my mom prepared for me. My favorite one is “Magic Tree House” series, especially book numbers 1, 6, 7, 9, 11 and 12. There are all about animals. One of my mom’s friends lend me the Chinese version of the stories. They really help me understand those stories in English, after my mom read them to me in Chinese. Mom takes Allie and me travelling around Kaohsiung city very often. This is a very well developed city, the public transportation (rapid transit, train, high-speed train, bus, and occasionally, yellow cab) take us anywhere we would like to go. So far we only take day trips. Mom keeps a travel blog so I can share with you all. However, her blog is a bit behind, due to her limited time and English (she writes Chinese fast though). Most writings have no English translation yet but I hope the photos are very self explanatory. Here are some travel blogs she has posed: Dec 13, 2014 Wandan Red Beans Festival migrantfamily.pixnet.net/blog/post/4028966 Dec 11, 2014 Lotus Pond migrantfamily.pixnet.net/blog/post/402407188 Dec 09, 2014 Ciaotou Sugar Refinery migrantfamily.pixnet.net/blog/post/402293872 Additional Album:migrantfamily.pixnet.net/album/set/5171301 Dec 06, 2014 Our first week in Taiwan (12/1~12/6) migrantfamily.pixnet.net/blog/post/402274966 Dec03, 2014 How We Got to Grandmas House migrantfamily.pixnet.net/blog/post/401502961 By the way, I did some serious drawing this past week. I would like to share some of them with you and wish you all have a “Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!” Best Wishes, Ben
Posted on: Mon, 22 Dec 2014 05:19:53 +0000

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