心心相印神国度 城市欢庆教会2013印度宣教之旅 - TopicsExpress


心心相印神国度 城市欢庆教会2013印度宣教之旅 队员分享篇 十七 City Celebration Centre 2013 India Mission Trip Team Member Sharing 17 任凭浪海续翻腾,转眼经已八年身。 城市欢庆教会,我们曾经是什么都没有,连人的祝福都没有的一群,形同孤儿。但是回头一望,我们情不自禁将手指指向天父上帝-那一位带来今时今日的成就的主。 祂,是创造历史、拖住历史、改变历史、决定历史的神。能用我们的一生服侍牠本身就是最高的荣耀。 有一首诗歌是我中小学时代学会的。八个字:【白白得来,白白舍去】。是的,原来没有什么不是神白白赏赐的,既然是从神白白得来的,我们有没有想过将它白白舍去给人? 2007年,一批由四个牧师兄弟的印度家族前来麻坡某教会拜访期间,蒙神带领来到本教会参加主日敬拜,隔周主日同工会邀请他们于主日敬拜分享,全体深感印度宣教的需要极大,同工会拨出第一笔为数马币两千的宣教基金实际的支持印度宣教事工;隔年他们在来到麻坡受训,也来到我们当中分享,建立更进一步的宣教伙伴关系,之后我们在拨出第二笔同样数目的宣教基金支持印度宣教事工。这些年,印度那里不断传来邀请,希望城市欢庆教会能以前往印度宣教。 2012年,我们深感时间已到,是时候前往该地考察观摩、宣教布施。因此,经咨询团与同工会祝福下,我们于新春期间第一次前往印度。为期十天的旅程,十个分别来自本教会和颂鴿教会所组成的宣教团队到访南部Karnataka州属的主要城市Bangalore和较为贫穷的Raichur,藉着传讲信息和代祷服侍十五间小教会,经济祝福十多位寡妇。于此同时郭似龙牧师也在牧者特会中向百位小教会牧者传讲信息,鼓励他们继续奔跑主路。当然,我们希望借此能更加确定未来在该地的宣教异象。 今年,全新的2013年,我们将第二次到印度宣教。十五位分别来自五所教会的牧者和弟兄姐妹报名上策。这一次的宣教旅程,我们将到访三个城市。除了第一次到访的两个城市,我们将前往另外一个城市Mysore 。超过百位的孤儿寡妇将是我们所要祝福的对象,除此之外将走访各小教会传讲信息、服侍弟兄姐妹。 原来是印度,城市欢庆教会第一个宣教事工,所以这是你我的事,是整个教会的事,也是神国度的事。 宣教的教会是蒙福的教会;宣教的基督徒是健康的基督徒。 他说:你们是白白的得来,当白白舍去。 你愿意舍去吗? 您可以如何与我们同心参与呢? 一, 你可以成为我们的代祷勇士,用祷告守望我们整个旅程,到时我们将作出呼吁。 二, 你可以以金钱或支票的奉献支持我们整个宣教旅程的基本开销,每一个团员的初步旅程预算总额为马币3300,此数目包括了机票、住宿、交通、膳食、医药、体检。 三, 你可以以金钱或支票的奉献支持印度的教会,我们将一起将您的奉献带给他们。 四, 你可以以金钱或支票的奉献支持印度的孤儿及寡妇,我们将一起将您的奉献带给他们。 五, 你可以协助我们的团员和印度的教会,向人分享并要求经济的奉献。 参加团员的基本开销: 日期:2013年9月24日至10月3日(十天) 团员:十五人 开销:每一个团员的旅程费用总额包括了- 机票RM1000 住宿交通膳食RM1700 医药体检RM400 其它RM100 总共为RM3200 为了慎重与透明的缘故,所有金钱奉献或支票奉献都会直接归入【城市欢庆教会印度宣教基金】。金钱奉献恳请获取教会正式收据,支票奉献请务必汇入 CITY CELEBRATION CENTRE 银行户口:MBB 5010 4816 1855 无论多寡的奉献或是否获得你的支持,我们都感激您。 分享的快乐加倍的多,分担的重担格外的轻。 祝福你,平安喜乐。 Time and tide waits for no man, with the blink of an eye 8 years had lapsed. City Celebration Centre, we had practically nothing, we did not even had people’s blessings, like we were orphans. But looking back, we involuntarily pointed our fingers at our Heavenly Father – the One that brought this moment this day’s achievement – our Lord. He, is the God and Creator of history, holds onto history, changes history and decides history. Could use our whole lives to serve Him is the greatest of glory. There is a hymn which I learned to sing during my primary school days. Eight words:[take with no cost, give you won’t lost]. Yes, there is nothing that God doesn’t give us free, since we got it free from God, did we ever thought give it free to other people? In the year 2007, a group comprising 4 sibling pastors from India came to visit a certain church in Muar, with God’s guidance they came to our church to attend church service. The following Sunday our church committee invited them to come and share, we all felt India’s missionary ministry’s needs are enormous. Our church committee donated the first amount of RM2000 missionary fund to really support India’s missionary ministry. The following year they came to Muar for training, they also came in our midst for sharing, building and enhancing our missionary rapport. Later we gave the second same amount missionary fund to support India’s missionary ministry. These few years India kept on extending invitations, hoping that City Celebration Centre could go to preach in India. 2012, we deeply felt that the time had come, it’s time to go to India to inspect, find out, preach & give alms. So with the advisory and committee councils’ blessings, we for the first time went to India around Chinese New Year’s time.It’s a ten day’s trip, ten persons from our church and Dove Hymn Community Centre made up the missionary team visited southern region Karnataka state’s main cities of Bangalore and Raichur, through preaching God’s words and prayers served 15 small churches, financially blessed more than 10 widows. At the same time Ps. Kuek relayed God’s messages at the Pastors’ Convention, encouraging them to continue running God’s path. Of course, we hoped through this could more determined the local places, future missionary vision. This year, the all new 2013, we intend to go to India for the 2nd missionary trip with 14 persons from 4 churches’ pastors, brothers and sisters. This time’s missionary trip, we are going to visit 3 cities. Apart from the 2 cities visited the first time, we are going to another city-Mysore. Over 100 orphans and widows are to be our blessing target. We are going to bring your offerings to them. Apart from this we are going to visit other smaller churches to delivers God’s words, serve brothers and sisters. It’s India, City Celebration Centre’s first missionary ministry, so it concern you and me, concern the whole church, also concern God’s Kingdom. A missionary church is a blessed church; A missionary Christian is a health Christian. He said: “take with no cost, give you won’t lost.” Are you willing to “give you won’t lost.”? How can you be with us on this matter? 1. You can be our prayer warrior, use prayers to uphold our whole journey, till then we will make a calling. 2. You can support our whole missionary trip’s basic expenses by cash or cheques, each mission member’s initial trip budget transport, food, medicine and body checking. 3. You can support the Indian churches with cash or cheques we shall altogether bring your offerings to them. 4. You can support India’s orphans and widows, we shall altogether bring your offerings to them. 5. You can help our mission members and India’s churches by sharing with people and requesting financial offerings. Funds for participating mission members’ basic expenses. Date: 24/09/2013 to 03/10/2013 (Ten days) No of members: 15 Expenses: Each mission member’s trip expenses includes – Air ticket RM1000.00 Board and lodging, transport RM1700.00 Medicine and checking RM400.00 Others RM100.00 Total: RM3200.00 Due to caution and transparency, all cash offerings or cheque offerings will directly be put into City Celebration Centre’s India Missionary Fund. Cash offerings will be issued church official receipts, cheque offerings will be deposited into: CITY CELEBRATION CENTRE Account number: MBB 5010 4816 1855 No matter how much your offerings or have your support, we are grateful to you all the same. Shared joys are manifolds, shared loads all the more light. Bless you, peace and joy.
Posted on: Sat, 14 Sep 2013 05:20:54 +0000

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