昴宿星揚升 --- 漂蕩在世界之間 THE PLEIADIAN ASCENSION - TopicsExpress


昴宿星揚升 --- 漂蕩在世界之間 THE PLEIADIAN ASCENSION In-between Worlds 7-25-13 Mytre is home and so am I! Mytre已經在家了, 而我也是! The Pleiadian Ascension 昴宿星揚升 Channeller: Suzanne Lie 20130725 suzanneliephd.blogspot.be/2013/05/galacticearth-alliance-landing-party_8.html 中文翻译: 林琚月2030730 blog.sina.cn/rebeccahjlin vera2013rl.pixnet.net/blog In-between Worlds 漂蕩在世界之間 As my pure consciousness moved through the atmosphere of Earth, I pondered my stay within the aura of a human on ascending Earth. Usually, the shift of consciousness is instant, but I have grown rather attached to the freedom from all form. Now that I am no longer in the aura of another, I can more deeply experience the essence of my own soul. 隨著我的 ‘覺知意識’穿越過地球大氣層, 我思忖了一下我停留在揚升中的地球的一個人類的外光體aura的經過. 通常, 這種 ‘覺知意識’的提升是立即的, 但是我已經習慣了沒有形體的自由, 而且我現在也不在別人的外光體aura之中了, 我能夠很深刻的感覺到我自己靈魂的本質. I feel Mytria as if she were next to, or within, me. My consciousness greatly expanded by the experience of feeling her, my completeness of SELF, so close to me while we were on the ship together. Hence, I have greatly missed her since we parted. 我可以感覺到 Mytria的存在, 就如同她就在我身旁或是在我裡面一樣. 我的‘覺知意識’因為 ‘感覺到她’~~我自我的完整 ~~~~與我如此的接近~~ 的這個經驗而擴張了, 就像我們一起在母艦上的那個時候. 因此, 自從分別之後, 我非常的想念她! Instead of setting my intention on the meditation room of the Ship, I have decided to allow my intentions to wander across the many faces of Gaia’s Earth. Earth is such a diverse planet with myriad varieties of life. As I perceive Earth from this perspective of her atmosphere my fifth-dimensional consciousness can perceive many flashes of higher frequency light entering the aura of the planet, as well all Gaia’s inhabitants. 沒有讓我的心專注在母艦的冥想室中, 取而代之的, 我允許了我的 ‘心’ 去飄盪在蓋亞地球的許多面向上. 地球是如此多樣化的一顆行星 --- 擁有許多種類的生命. 當我從這個 ‘理解感應’ 角度來感應到地球的大氣層時 --- 我第五維度的‘覺知意識’能夠感應到許多閃亮的更高頻率的光能進入地球的外光體aura, 以及進入所有蓋亞的居民們. Fortunately, all the plants and animals are completely open to this new frequency of light and are living in surrender to the changes in their form and expanded states of consciousness. Animals that once lived as prey and predator are coming into the alignment of peaceful co-existence. Also, plants are transmuting into higher expressions. It is too bad that so many humans do not follow the lead of Gaia’s plant and animal kingdom. 幸運的是, 所有的植物與動物們都已經完全對這個新頻率的光能開放, 而且都生活在對它們形式以及‘覺知意識’的改變的臣服之中. 動物們 --- 那些曾經以狩獵者為生和以‘獵物’ 方式存在的動物 --- 它們也正在協調入一種和平共存的存在中. 而且植物們正在突變進入更高的表達形式中. 很可惜的是 --- 有如此多人類沒有跟隨蓋亞的植物與動物王國的帶頭作用. However, as I observe the energy patterns on Earth, I can see increasing areas where unity consciousness creates a cohesive and flowing pattern of inter-twining light. On the other hand, there are still areas where the light patterns strike at each other at angles and squares. These are areas that are still resisting the higher light and tenaciously holding on to that which is ending. 但是無論如何, 如同我觀察到的地球上的能量模式, 我可以看到有越來越多區域的 ‘聯合意識’創造出了一些有凝聚力的纏繞的光模式出現. 但另一方面, 仍然有些區域的光的模式互相以直角和方型模式互相切割. 這些都是仍然抗拒光的區域, 而且頑強的維護著正在結束中的一切. In the areas of cohesive light I can see patterns of light that resonate to the higher spectrum colors and ever-expanding patterns. I can also see how these areas are emitting a cloud of consciousness that is slowly escalating through the fourth dimension and into the fifth. Hence, the face of Gaia’s orb is a tapestry of harmony, unity, expansion and transcendence, as well as patches of resistance, restriction and destruction. And so polarity closes bit-by-bit. 在有凝聚力的光區域 ~~~ 我可以看到光模式與更高的頻率光譜顏色共鳴, 以及不斷擴張的模式. 我也可以看到 ~~這些區域是如何的散播出一種‘覺知意識’雲~~~它會慢慢的從第四維度上升到第五維度. 因此, 蓋亞的臉的圓光體是一張合諧的, 合一的, 擴張的, 有超越性的 ‘掛毯’, 可是同時又有 ‘抗拒的補釘’, 限制性與毀壞的補釘. 因此 ‘二元性’ 在一點一點的結束當中. I wonder if our Pleiadian village in what to this NOW is an ancient timeline also appeared that way to a higher dimension perspective. With that thought, I feel myself blink away form Earth. This bi-location must be much like Mytria’s when she left the lower frequencies of Earth. We are both living three realities within the NOW. We were on the ship in our mediation chamber, in the atmosphere of three-dimensional Earth and focusing on our ancient home in the Pleiades. 我懷疑 ~~~ 假如我們昴宿村莊在 ‘當下’ 來看是一條遠古的時間線, ---對一個更高維度的理解力來看 ~~~ 是否也跟現在的地球一樣呢?--- 當我這樣想時我感覺到我自己從地球身上閃開了. 這 ‘雙重存在’ 經驗與Mytria上次從地球的低頻率移開時應該是一樣的. 我們都同時在 ‘當下’ 裡, 共同存在於三個實相中. 我們都存在於母艦的冥想箱中, 在三維地球的大氣層中, 而且 ‘聚焦’在我們遠古在昴宿星球的家鄉裡. Because of Mytria’s experience I know to direct my consciousness toward the FEEL of Mytria’s being. In that manner, I have a direct entry point into that Pleiadian reality. Then, in a flash, my consciousness is hovering over our wilderness camp. This time my viewpoint is much closer to the planet, and I can see the actual structures and people. It appears that many of the people are hurriedly preparing for something. 由於有了上次Mytria的經驗, 我知道我要引導我的‘覺知意識’到Mytria的存在體的感覺那裡去. 以這方式, 我有了一個直接的進入點到達那個昴宿星實相中去. 然後, 靈光一閃, 我的‘覺知意識’已經盤旋在我們野外的營地上方了. 這一次, 我俯瞰行星的觀點比較接近, 我可以看到真實的人們與架構. 看起來, 許多人急急忙忙的在準備著某些東西. It looks as though our small entourage has gotten reinforcements from the Village. In fact, it may even be that most of the villagers are now in our small camp. However, even though the scene of our campsite and the people is clear, the Violet Temple is slightly out of phase with the rest of that scene. In fact, the Temple seems to be phasing in out of the frequency field of the Village, but I can feel that Mytria and Almon are inside of the Temple. 事實上, 可能是村里大部份的人都來到我們的營地了. 但是, 雖然我可以清楚看到我們的營地與人們, 紫羅蘭火燄廟與其他的景象是稍微不同步調的畫面. 事實上, 我可以感覺到 ‘紫羅蘭火燄廟’是不斷在村莊的頻率之中跳進跳出的, 時而出現時而不見, 但是我可以感應到Mytria and Almon都在廟中. I must find a way to match the frequency of the Temple’s energy field so that I can communicate with them. I focus my attention solely on the Temple and set my intention to entering into that version of reality. I remember when I first entered the reality of Earth circa 2013 to assist Sandy and Jason I had to focus first on Jason. Since he is a lower expression of my Multidimensional SELF I could use his energy patterns as a homing point for my consciousness. Once I placed my intention on joining my consciousness with his I was able to join that reality. 我必須要找到一個方法來配合上廟的能量場才能與他們溝通. 我把注意力完全專注在廟上, 然後配合上想要進入這實相版本的‘企圖心’. 我記得我在地球2013年協助Sandy and Jason時我必須先專注在 Jason身上進入. 由於他是我較低維度的表達, 我可以透過他的能量模式印記做為我的‘覺知意識’的 ‘定點‘. 而當我把 ‘企圖心’放在把我的‘覺知意識’與他融合時, 我就能參與那個實相了. In this case, I can focus on the feeling of Mytria and join my consciousness with her. I feel that Mytria and Almon are in the same area and separated by a short distance. The difficult part is that Mytria and Almon are both resonating to alternating frequencies, along with the Temple. Perhaps if I can stabilize the Temple resonance, Mytria and Almon’s resonance will also stabilize. However, first I will need to discover why the Temple’s resonance is so unstable. 而在現在這例子中, 我可以專注在Mytria身上, 並將我的‘覺知意識’與她的連接. 我可以感覺到Mytria and Almon正在同一個區域內, 但是分開的短距離內. 困難的地方是 --- Mytria and Almon都同時跟隨著廟而對不同頻率共鳴. 或許如果我可以穩定住廟的能量, Mytria and Almon的能量也會穩定下來. 但我必須先找到廟的共鳴度如此不穩定的理由. Fortunately, dear Mytria also feels my consciousness and is trying to communicate with me. However, our conversation is much like an Earth cell phone that has poor reception. I can only understand parts of her message, and the communication goes blank. I will send a repeating message to Mytria and Almon so that they can eventually piece it all together. But, what do I want to say? 幸運的是, 親愛的Mytria也感覺到了我的‘覺知意識’了而且正試著與我溝通. 但我們的對話很像地球手機收訊不好時的狀態. 我只能理解她部份的訊息, 而溝通 又中斷了. 我會重複寄一個訊息給Mytria and Almon所以他們最終還是可以拼湊出我的訊息. 但我該說什麼呢? I know! I will have them focus on my resonance, which is quite stable and resonating to the threshold of the fifth dimension. As I center my attention on the Temple and hold my consciousness at the frequency of the threshold to the fifth dimension, I begin to get more information about the Temple. In fact, I have the impression that the actual Temple is communicating with me in the form of pictures entering my mind. 我知道了! 我會請他們專注在我的共鳴頻率上, 因為它很穩定, 而且與第五維度門崁共鳴. 而隨著我集中注意力在廟上面, 並持續連接第五維度頻率門崁, 我開始得到關於廟的更多訊息. 事實上, 我得到的印象是這真實的廟~~透過寄送畫面給我, 在與我溝通. It appears that at the exact moment in which the Temple was fully grounded on the face of our planet it sent out a spectrum of myriad possible realities. With the rising of the Violet Temple, our campsite, the village and everything within its protective dome the Arcturians have given us became fifth dimensional. Hence, every thought and emotion of every member of our settlement was instantly manifest. 看起來 ~~ 在廟完全穩固在我們行星上面那時刻, 它送出了一整個光譜的許多不同可能實相. 自從 ‘紫羅蘭火燄廟’昇起之後, 我們營地, 村莊以及在內的每樣東西~~存在 ‘大角星人’給我們的保護罩ˊ之下的一切 --- 都變成第五維度了! 因此, 我們聚落的每個成員的每個思想與情緒都可以立即顯化現實出來. The members of our camp were united in consciousness. However, the villagers had not all entered unity consciousness. Therefore, the myriad different versions of reality of the different individuals and small groups all created their own version of our ascended community. Since there was not a unity of thoughts and emotions, the many versions of ascension split into myriad realities. 我們營地的人都已經團結在集體合一的 ‘覺知意識’之中. 但是村民們並未全然進入集體合一的 ‘覺知意識’之中. 因此, 這許多差異的版本的現實 --- 來自不同的個人, 和小團體, 全都創造了他們自己的版本 --- 的 ‘揚升後的社區’. 由於缺少了一個 ‘合一的思想和情緒’ --- 這許多不同版本的揚升就分化出了許多不同的實相! Some of these realities overlapped and some were completely separate. In order to complete this process of the transmutation into a fifth dimensional reality, all the members of our community have to be united within a cohesive version of our fifth dimensional reality. 這些實相有的部份相重疊, 而有的完全不同. 為了能夠完成進入第五維度實相的 ‘突變’ --- 我們社區所有的人都必須聯合起來在同一個有凝聚力的纏繞的第五維度實相. I communicated this vision to Mytria and Almon within the vacillating Temple and they agreed. But none of us knew how to unit all the members of the campsite and the village. Mytria and Almon decided that they would focus on stabilizing the Temple by filling it with unconditional love, which made me realize that they had the answer for the entire village. 我把這看法影像傳輸給在晃動中的廟中的Mytria and Almon. 他們同意. 但是我們沒有半個人知道如何去聯合所有村民。 Mytria and Almon決定他們要專注在使用 ‘無條件的愛’ 來穩定紫羅蘭火燄廟 --- 這點讓我理解到他們已經找到了解決整個村的問題的答案. If our entire village could synchronize themselves with the frequency of unconditional love we would have enough unity consciousness to stabilize into a cohesive realty. I would need to start by telling the members of our camp, but first I would need to create a form that I could wear on this world. 假如我們整個村莊能夠讓自己在‘無條件的愛’ 中 ‘同步化’頻率, 我們就會有足夠的 集體合一的 ‘覺知意識’來穩定入一個有凝聚力的纏繞的實相模式之中. 所以我必須先告訴我們營隊的人這件事. 但我首先必須先創造出一個 ‘形式’--- 讓我能穿在這個世界裡的. I realized that Mytria had created a form for herself, but with the assistance of Almon. If I entered the Temple to have Mytria and Almon assist me to create a form, I may not be able to leave that wavering resonance. No, I would have to create the form myself. I could always ask the Arcturian for help, as It was not confined to any sense of time or space. 我領悟到Mytria有創造了一個形式給她自己, 但是透過Almon協助的. 所以如果我進入廟中請Mytria and Almon來協助我創造形式, 我或許就無法離開這個晃動個不停的共鳴頻率. 不, 我必須自己來創造我的形式. 我總是可以要求 大角星人的協助, --- 因為這事不受到任何時間或空間感的限制! However, I decided to start on my own and see how that went first. As I relaxed my mind and focused my feelings on unconditional love I could feel the fifth dimensional Elementals offering to assist me in creating a form for my consciousness. Since my consciousness was fifth dimensional the Elementals could assist me by creating a matrix for my Lightbody. 但是, 我決定自己先開始做, 看情況如何. 我先放鬆了心情, 把專注力放在無條件的愛的感覺上面 --- 我可以感覺到第五維度的元素提供來協助我創造一個形式給我的 ‘覺知意識’. 由於我的 ‘覺知意識’是五維的 --- 元素們協助我創造一個光體的矩陣形式. If I lowered my consciousness at all, I would blink out of form. Now, I would called on the Arcturian to assist me in keeping my consciousness above the obvious fear that many of the villagers were experiencing. 如果我降低我的 ‘覺知意識’, 我就會從形式中閃出來. 現在, 我會呼叫大角星人來協助我維持我的‘覺知意識’超越所有明顯的恐懼之上, --- 這些是村民們現在在經驗的. I focused on the ever-present Arcturian within me, which was unique. I had experienced being inside of the Arcturian, but I had never experienced the Arcturian inside of me. “Is there a difference?” I heard the Arcturian ask. With a smile, I welcomed the return of my higher expression Arcturian nature in the core of my SELF. In a flash I dawned a brilliant Lightbody and floated down to the ground. 我專注在我內在一直出現的大角星人 ~~~這是很特別的經驗. 我以前體驗過在大角星人的外面, 但我從沒體驗過大角星人在我的裡面. “有差別嗎?” 我聽到大角星人說, 一面微笑著. 我歡迎這個我自己的 “高我表達"的大角星人 ~~~ 自然的從我的核心裡出來. 在一轉眼間, 一個明亮的光體出現, 然後飄浮到地上. All the hustle and bustle instantly stopped as everyone’s eyes turned towards my body of light. Some of them moved away in fear and distrust, but most of the people turned towards me and walked in my direction. 所有的喧囂頓時安靜了下來, 隨著每個人的目光轉向我的光體. 有些人在震驚恐懼中後退而不敢相信, 但大部份人轉向我走了過來. I knew that my first challenge would be to create unity consciousness, so I set my attention on those who were frightened by my sudden appearance. I discovered that my “voice” was telepathic, so I could direct it to those who had moved to the outer rim of our gathering. 我知道我第一個挑戰就是去創造一個集體合一的 ‘覺知意識’, 所以我把我的注意力放在那些被我突然的出現而驚嚇到的人身上. 我發現到我的 ‘聲音’是心電感應的, 所以我可以針對那些移到最外圈的聚集人群去說話. “I am just Mytre,” I said in a loving manner. “I served as a Protector in our village, and piloted the ship that sought the Arcturian’s assistance. I have learned much while I have been away, but am still a member of our community. The body that I wear is similar to the body that you wear, but you don’t believe that, so you cannot perceive yourself in that way.” “我只是Mytre,”我用充滿愛的方式說. “我的工作是我們社區的保護者, 我是開飛船去尋求大角星人的協助的飛行員. 在我離開這段期間我學了好多, 但仍然是我們社區的一員. 我穿的這身體與你們穿的身體類似, 但是你們不相信, 所以你們感應不到你們自己的這個形式.” “Listen to me, all of you. You were successful! Your resonance is now of the fifth dimension. Now you are safe as you are all invisible to the forces of power-over who have long been our enemy. We need to unite our consciousness now to stabilize your ascension.” “全部人請聽我說. 你們成功了! 你們現在的共鳴頻率是第五維度的. 現在你們是安全的, 因為你們對我們那喜歡控制別人的長期敵人已經是隱身了. 我們現在需要聯合我們的‘覺知意識’來穩定下來你們的揚升.” Some of the frightened ones still held back, but most of them joined the group who was gathered around me. I told a few of my friends who were surprised to see me in this form to please gather the frightened ones and bring them into our group. With someone to personally assure them, all the frightened ones relaxed and joined the group. 一些害怕的人仍然縮著, 但大部份人都匯聚過來圍繞住了我. 我告訴我的一些朋友們, 他們很驚訝看到我穿著這個形式, 我請他們去邀請害怕的人過來加入大家. 有人來親自向他們做保證之後, 所有害怕的人放輕鬆了, 也參與了過來. “Is anyone left in the village?” I asked. “村裡還有人嗎?"我問. “Yes,” my old friend Jackal replied. “Would you like us to go get them?” “是", 我的老友Jackal說. “你要我們去帶他們來嗎?" “Please do. We need to all be in unity in order to fully ground the Violet Temple to this frequency of reality.” “是的, 請這樣做. 我們需要所有人聯合來完全穩定下來 ‘紫羅蘭火燄廟’, 才能穩固這實相的頻率.” I then took him aside and told him to bring food and supplies, as we may all need to camp here for a while. Make sure you take at least two days so that I have a chance to bring unity to this group. Take two of your most trusted friends with you. The three of you will be in charge of creating unity within the villagers that will be joining us. 然後我把他拉到一旁請他去帶點食物與供給過來, 因為我們可能全都需要在這裡露營一段時間. 請確定你拿夠兩天的供給, 這樣我才有機會把 ‘團結‘ 帶入這團體中. 帶你最信任的兩個朋友跟你一起去. 你們三人要負責創造所有加入我們的村民之間的團結. “Remember, no one is too young or too old. Every one of us must be called up to join together to stabilize the Violet Temple and to synchronize with our true fifth dimensional resonance. If I join you later, do not be shocked. The Arcturians have taught me bi-location, so I can beam to be with you instantly.” “記住! 沒有人太年輕或太老! 每個人都必須被呼喚來參與穩定下 ‘紫羅蘭火燄廟’, 以及來 ‘同步協調’ 我們真實的第五維度的共鳴頻率. 假如我等一下加入你們的話, 別被嚇到. 大角星人有教我 ‘雙重存在’, 所以我可以任何時刻隨傳隨到." Jackal knew where I had been and what I had learned. Therefore, he was not too shocked by what I was saying. Jackal知道我去過那裡
Posted on: Tue, 30 Jul 2013 16:49:47 +0000

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