本杰明·富爾福德2013年9月3日消息(2013-09-04 19:33:29) - TopicsExpress


本杰明·富爾福德2013年9月3日消息(2013-09-04 19:33:29) 轉載▼標簽:軍事 Connecting the dots between Syria, Fukushima, Olympic terror threats and the Nazi CIA 敘利亞,福島,奧運恐怖威脅和納粹中央情報局之間的連接點 The attempt to start a war in Syria, the sudden spike in radiation at Fukushima, threats by Saudi Arabia to wage terror on the coming Russian Olympic Games and other unusual world events are part of a long ago planned bigger plot to start a fascist world government. 在敘利亞發動一場戰爭的嘗試,福島輻射突然飆升,沙烏地阿拉伯威脅在未來的俄羅斯奧運中發動恐怖襲擊,以及其它不尋常的世界事件,是很久以前就計劃好的,建立一個法西斯世界政府計劃的一部分。 Fortunately for us all, the plot is unraveling and the Sabbatean Nazis behind it are now very, very scared. That is why US corporate government slave Barak Obama is now the laughing stock of the world for his attempt to get the US military to support Al Qaeda based on obvious lies. 幸運的是,對我們所有人來說陰謀正在被拆解,並且處在幕後的Sabbatean納粹現在是非常,非常驚恐。那就是為什麼美國企業政府的奴才巴拉克·奧巴馬現在成為了國際笑話,因為他嘗試用明顯的謊言來說服美軍援助基地組織。 The regional headquarters for the ongoing Syria operation is a terrorist training school in Turkey run by a Nazi CIA front called the Jamestown Foundation, according to MI5 sources. A key player in this plot is Nazi Skull and Bones Nazi so-called Secretary of State and suspected wife murderer John Kerry (Kerry married the heir to the Heinz family fortune who then died in a plane crash, leaving the fortune to lucky Kerry), the sources say. 根據英國軍情5處的消息來源說,正在敘利亞的行動的地區總部,是一個在土耳其名叫詹姆斯鎮基礎設施的,由美國中央情報局納粹派系運營的恐怖分子訓練營。消息來源說,這個陰謀中的一個關鍵角色,是納粹骷髏會成員——所謂的國務卿和殺妻嫌疑人約翰·克里(克里娶了後來死於空難的亨氏家族財富的繼承人,將財產留給了幸運的克里)。 Just when the arrests of these mass murdering criminals will begin is not known but their next moves are becoming increasingly easy to predict and thus easy to prevent. The next events the Nazi will try to orchestrate will likely include major oil crisis triggered by a closure of the Suez Canal, a financial crisis caused by an implosion in the derivatives market and nuclear terrorism, according to various agency sources. 只是何時將開始逮捕這些大規模謀殺犯還是一個未知數,但是他們下一步的行動正在變得越來越容易預測和阻止。根據多個機構的消息來源說:納粹下一步將會嘗試協調包括:關閉蘇伊士運河來引發主要的石油危機、一個由衍生工具引發的金融危機、以及核恐怖襲擊。 Stepping back to look at the big picture for a minute by piecing together testimony from a variety of insiders over the years, the plot to create a Sabbatean Nazi world government has become transparent. 花一分鐘退一步,通過各種內部人士歷年的精確供詞,來看一看全景,Sabbatean納粹建立一個世界政府的陰謀,就已經變得透明了。 We know for example, from the testimony of pilots and others, that George Bush Sr. and John Kerry were aboard a special flight to Paris, France to meet with Iranian representatives in order to ask them to take over the US embassy in Iran, and keep the staff hostage until after the US Presidential election of 1980 as part of a plot to ensure that US President Jimmy Carter was not re-elected in 1980. 比如,從飛行員和其他人的供詞中我們知道,小布希和約翰·克里乘專機去法國巴黎會見伊朗代表,以便要求他們去接管美國駐伊朗大使館,並扣留工作人員為人質直到美國1980年大選結束,以此來作為確保美國總統吉米·卡特不會連任的陰謀的一部分。 Once he became Ronald Reagan’s Vice-President, we also know from former Soviet top brass and others that George Bush Sr. told Mikhail Gorbachev that if he agreed to allow the USSR to fail the EU would become the new USSR. 我們也從前蘇聯高層和其他人那裡知道,當他一成為羅納德·雷根的副總統,小布希就告訴戈爾巴喬夫,如果他允許蘇聯解體,那麼歐盟將會成為新的蘇聯。 We then saw George Bush Jr. and the fascists carry out the 911 attacks to impose a Nazi constitution known as the Patriot Act on the US and begin a massive invasion of the Middle-East. 然後我們就看到了小布希和法西斯分子們製造了911來對美國強加一個被稱為《愛國者法案》的納粹憲法,並且開始對中東進行大規模入侵。 The plot involved creating a Weimar Republic type of economic crisis in the US and Europe in order to create the conditions needed for further Nazification of Europe. 該陰謀涉及在美國和歐洲製造一個魏瑪共和國形態的經濟危機,以便為歐洲進一步納粹化創造條件。 Part of this plot involves creating a massive oil crisis in the Middle East. To prepare the ground, the invasion of Iraq and the so-called Arab Spring were all part of an effort to impose Nazi-allied Muslim Brotherhood governments in the region. 該陰謀的一部分,也涉及到在中東製造一個大規模的石油危機。為了準備條件,對伊拉克的入侵與所謂的阿拉伯之春都是為了在本地區強加一個納粹盟友穆斯林兄弟會的努力的一部分。 The Muslim Brotherhood was then supposed to revive a pan-Muslim Caliphate and provoke a Christian/Muslim holy war to fulfill biblical prophecies of Armageddon, according to fascist P2 Lodge whistleblowers. The end result of course was supposed to be a fascist world government run by the estimated 1 million members of the Sabbatean Nazi Cult. Barak Obama was supposed to put a brown face on this world government in order to make it acceptable to non-Europeans. 根據意大利法西斯P2共濟會的一個告密者說,穆斯林兄弟會接下來,預期將會復興一個泛穆斯林哈里發,並挑起一場基督徒/穆斯林之間的宗教聖戰,來實現《聖經》最後一章《啟示錄》所預言的世界末日。最終的結果當然就是一個由預計100萬Sabbatean納粹邪教所運作的法西斯世界政府。巴拉克·奧巴馬預期將會出面做這個世界政府的代言人,以便使非歐洲裔人民得以接受。 Now let us look at how this plot is both unfolding and unraveling at the present time. The fall of the Mulsim Brotherhood government in Egypt has been a key element in the unraveling because it makes closing the Suez Canal, and thus causing a major oil crisis, much harder to carry out. At the same time, members of the P2 fascist Lodge and their Nazi operations center in Turkey were supposed to have removed the government of Syria by now but have failed. 現在讓我們看這個陰謀是如何在當下開展的吧。埃及穆斯林兄弟會政府的倒台已經成為了挫敗陰謀的一個關鍵要素,因為它使得蘇伊士運河關閉,並因此導致一個主要的石油危機,以至陰謀的開展更為艱難。與此同時,P2法西斯陰謀集團成員和他們在土耳其的納粹行動中心,原本計劃應該現在已經移除敘利亞政府,但是卻失敗了。 The attempt to blame the Syrian government for a sarin gas attack on its own citizens, in order to provoke a Western invasion of Syria, has seriously exposed and crippled the Nazi movement. 譴責敘利亞政府向貧民釋放沙林毒氣攻擊,以便挑起一個西方對敘利亞的入侵的嘗試,已經嚴重暴露並削弱了納粹的行動。 UK puppet Prime Minister David Cameron had the dubious honour of being the first British Prime Minister to be voted down by Parliament since 1782. Cameron is now expected to be out of office by December and the British political system will then be freed from cabal control, according to MI5 sources. The British parliament is also expected to go from a two party system to a much harder to control four party system, the sources predict. 英國的傀儡首相戴維·卡梅倫獲得了一個殊榮——成為自1782年以來第一個被議會否決的英國首相。根據英國軍情5處的消息來源說,卡梅倫現在預期將會在12月之前離開辦公室,並且英國政治系統將會從陰謀集團的控制中被解放出來。消息來源預測,英國議會同樣也預計會從兩黨制,轉變為更難被法西斯控制的四黨制。 The Syrian crisis has revealed the Nazis now only control Turkey, Israel, Saudi Arabia and a pseudo-government in Washington that does not control its own armed forces. Barak Obama will be a laughing stock if he is shameless enough to still consider going to the G20 summit meeting this week in Russia. 敘利亞危機已經被挫敗,現在納粹只控制土耳其,以色列,沙烏地阿拉伯和一個在華盛頓不掌握它自己的軍隊的偽政府。巴拉克·奧巴馬如果依然足夠厚顏無恥的考慮出席本周在俄羅斯舉行的20國集團峰會,那麼他將會成為一個笑話。 The key Nazi ally Saudi Arabia is also in serious trouble now. When Saudi Arabian intelligence chief and Bush bum buddy Prince Bandar bin Sultan threatened Russia with a terrorist attack on its upcoming Sochi Winter Olympics he made a fatal error. By convention, even if some governments sponsor terrorism, there is supposed to be plausible deniability. By directly linking the Saudi Government to terrorist threats, he allowed Russia the opportunity, under international law, to legitimately attack Saudi Arabia. 納粹的關鍵盟友沙烏地阿拉伯現在也陷入了嚴重的麻煩。當沙烏地阿拉伯情報首長兼布希的流浪漢好友——班達爾·本·蘇丹親王,威脅將會在即將舉行的俄羅斯索契冬季運動會上發動恐怖襲擊時,他就已經犯了一個致命的錯誤。按照慣例,即便某些政府支持恐怖主義,那也會似是而非的否認這種事情的。所以說,他通過直接將沙特政府與恐怖主義威脅相聯系的方式,給了俄羅斯在國際法的框架下,合法攻擊沙烏地阿拉伯的機會。 Given this situation, the Jews definitely need to remove that Nazi scumbag traitor Benjamin Netanyahu and free Israel before events spin further out of control. 在這種情況下,猶太人們絕對需要去移除他們的納粹叛徒班傑明·內塔雅胡,並在事情失去控制之前解放以色列。 Netanyahu has been recorded threatening to blow up all of Japan’s nuclear reactors in a phone call to then Prime Minister Naoto Kan in the immediate aftermath of the March 11, 2011 nuclear and tsunami terror attack against Japan. The motivation was to force Japan to sign away ownership of its US Treasury holdings to the Nazis (which Kan duly did), according to Japanese military intelligence. The use of nuclear terror to shut down Japan’s nuclear reactors was also aimed at forcing Japan to import more oil from the Middle East as a part of the Nazi planned oil crisis. 內塔雅胡在2011年3月11日,日本海嘯與核恐怖襲擊之後的一通,威脅日本前首相菅直人要炸毀所有日本核反應堆的電話已經被錄音。根據日本軍事情報機構說,內塔雅胡的目的就是強迫日本將它持有的美國國債轉讓給納粹(菅直人也這麼做了)。 The recent spike in radioactivity being reported in Fukushima is being caused by the dumping of nuclear industrial waste (mostly medical), according to Japanese gangsters sub-contracting to the Nazi Mossad faction. The aim is to blackmail the Japanese government in order to prevent it from restarting its nuclear reactors. Message to Netanyahu: they are coming after you and there is nowhere in this universe where you will be able to hide. 根據日本隸屬於納粹摩薩德支派的黑幫消息來源說,最近所報道的福島核輻射飆升,是由工業核廢料的傾倒(很可能是醫療廢料)引起的。 In any case, it is not over until it is over but even if you read the fascist controlled corporate media, it is increasingly obvious the Sabbatean Nazi’s days are numbered. 無論如何,那在結束之前是不會結束的,即使你接收到法西斯控制的企業媒體的宣傳,越來越明顯的也還是Sabbatean納粹的日子已經屈指可數了。
Posted on: Fri, 06 Sep 2013 17:45:16 +0000

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