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THE BLACK NAPOLEON (Toussaint LOverture) -- The Haitian Revolution
THE BLACK NAPOLEON (Toussaint LOverture) -- The Haitian Revolution was led by Toussaint L’Overture, born in 1743, in an effort to equalize master an...
The DPA news agency cited a military spokesman, Major General Asim
The DPA news agency cited a military spokesman, Major General Asim Saleem Bjawa, who said at least 140 militants had been killed in the Degan-Boya are...
CREEPYPASTA- EL PUENTE DE LOS LAMENTOS Tom viajaba de noche por una carretera comarcal de Ohio, era un viaje tranquilo y porque no decirlo tal vez un...
Check out the doorbuster pricing on this amazing fridge! If you
Check out the doorbuster pricing on this amazing fridge! If you are looking to upgrade join me for fabulous members deals at Sears! “Personal Shopp...
I mite just cry a river, but after I realize that the river has
I mite just cry a river, but after I realize that the river has gotten to full ima wipe my tears... its time for a new start, time to think bout life ...
Funny stuff by the Lutheran Satire site . . . unless you believe
Funny stuff by the Lutheran Satire site . . . unless you believe that tripe Osteen and his wife spew . . . If you do, this is probably offensive . . ...
Still stands true these dark says maybe even more. May 27 1999
Still stands true these dark says maybe even more. May 27 1999 Darrell Scott. Your laws ignore our deepest needs Your words are empty air Youve str...
I had a meeting today with the Japanese publisher who I was
I had a meeting today with the Japanese publisher who I was initially going to do my book with. After thinking about it and weighing up the options, I...
we just attended a candlelight vigil for a special young man. Sam
we just attended a candlelight vigil for a special young man. Sam Woodard #62 was/is a wonderful young man who has touched many lives in his short st...
Why are so many people in my country so angry? Passive
Why are so many people in my country so angry? Passive aggressiveness seems to be everywhere. On the roads, at parties, a lot of people seem to so rea...
Macallin ayaa ardaydiisa weydiiyay: Yaa dilay Abuu Jahal? Mid ka
Macallin ayaa ardaydiisa weydiiyay: Yaa dilay Abuu Jahal? Mid ka mid ah ardayda ayaa istaagay oo dhahay: Wallaahi aniga ma dilin!! Mid labaad ayaa ist...
CONGULATULATIONS SUBSCRIBERS ========================================================= FT Melbourne Victory 4 - 1 Western Sydney >>>>>home win odd 2....
Its the second day of our fasting and prayer session. Our Topic
Its the second day of our fasting and prayer session. Our Topic today is: YOU SHALL BE THE HEAD AND NOT THE TAIL. Our main scripture is Deuteronomy 28...
Not Limited To Men - A behavior that stereotypically belongs to
Not Limited To Men - A behavior that stereotypically belongs to men has been abundant amongst my female friends lately. Its not uncommon for men to b...
Salmos 2 - 1. POR que se amotinam os gentios, e os povos
Salmos 2 - 1. POR que se amotinam os gentios, e os povos imaginam coisas vãs? 2. Os reis da terra se levantam e os governos consultam juntamente c...
From my friend Jonathan Evans, whose brother Phil has passed. I
From my friend Jonathan Evans, whose brother Phil has passed. I had no idea that Jonathan had a brother of such renown. Looks like many will miss Phil...
Let me share what has happened to me this past week. Last Thursday
Let me share what has happened to me this past week. Last Thursday at 2:30pm a transformer blew in our building which left us with no power. It took 1...
Cheap Shark DGA-383537 3.8-GPM Aluminum Series DCold Water Washer,
Cheap Shark DGA-383537 3.8-GPM Aluminum Series DCold Water Washer, 3500 PSI, Honda GX390 engine Don t miss!! with shopping great quality products spe...

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