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Posts by Papa

Mathew The workers in the vineyard 20 1 This story throws light on
Mathew The workers in the vineyard 20 1 This story throws light on the kingdom of heaven. A landowner went out early in the morning to hire workers fo...
Luke The lost sheep (Mt 18:12) 15 1 Meanwhile tax collectors and
Luke The lost sheep (Mt 18:12) 15 1 Meanwhile tax collectors and sinners were seeking the company of Jesus, all of them eager to hear what he had to s...
Luca 1:39-56 In que’ giorni Maria si levò e se ne andò in
Luca 1:39-56 In que’ giorni Maria si levò e se ne andò in fretta nella regione montuosa, in una città di Giuda, ed entrò in casa di Zaccaria e s...
Living together in the Church (Mt 18) (Lk 17:3) 15 If your brother
Living together in the Church (Mt 18) (Lk 17:3) 15 If your brother or sister has sinned against you, go and point out the fault when the two of you ar...
Luca 6:27-38 Ma a voi che ascoltate, io dico: Amate i vostri
Luca 6:27-38 Ma a voi che ascoltate, io dico: Amate i vostri nemici; fate del bene a quelli che v’odiano; benedite quelli che vi maledicono, pregate...

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